The new face of comedy. Deal with it, Conservitards!

62  2017-06-11 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


it'd be nice if other comedians even knew who he was; so they could confirm he is a terrible comedian for us civilians

Whoever told him that his hair looks good is funnier than Moshe himself.

Black people would eat him alive.

They are truly uncivilized cannibals

This whole Bill Maher house nigga stuff got me thinking. What is Derosa going to tell his black friends?

I wish someone would take his faceā€¦off

Ralph Malph had a gay kid and they tried to abort him when they found out he was gay but he survived, and now he tells Drumpf jokes that 12 of the dumbest Jews in the world wrote.

The comedy happens when he gets thrown into an oven, yes?

That's what it takes for me to get my chuckles on that's for shiggidy.

Why do his fingerprints look like he just took a 50 minute bath?

Jews are known for their scaly reptilian features.

They are also made of wood

From all the pussy he's finger blastin


Check out all the empties mon

They're constantly being soaked in the seminal fluid of various minorities.

Because he's 50 dressing like he's 12

its to get a good grip on the bills when counting money.

His chin is weaker than most leukemia sufferers.

Why the fuck are his fingers all scarred up?

Perhaps he was keen to feel the way of his ancestors so he stuck his hand in an oven for awhile.


He could've been a model, you know!

What do you call that snappy haircut?

Cum lick

I wonder where Islamists get the idea that the west is ripe for conquering

Nice teeth

Sounds to me you are crying over pretty hard over there like a snowflake

Is half of your face drooping? If so you might have just had a stroke.

its the low iq

I always assumed your name was regarding age not iq


I'm willing to bet he gets more pussy than the majority of commenters in this thread

0 and 0

He gets to smash that Leggero kooch whenever he wants, that's pretty neat

This is from the first episode

Can both of them be gassed post haste?

Advanced CGI is great. These people have been exterminated for years. And strangely nobody cares.

Comedians are so soft today. Remember when they used to set themselves on fire and then joke about it on stage? Nowadays if that happened, they'd show off their burn scars and talk about how brave they are.

He looks retarded here not jewey as usual

hE hAS nICe TeEEF, APRehL fAllls

Did this cancel this dogshit yet?

His wife is a lucky woman.

That hand has never seen a day of work in it's life

I'm not a conservitard, but I'd happily deal with that face, I'd enjoy the shovel for this one!

I'm not a conservitard, but I'd happily deal with that face, I'd enjoy the shovel for this one!

His teeth are all doing their own things. Instead of a strong community of teeth, it's like a herd of cat teeth.

Thin, workless fingers

Fuck sake....

its the low iq