Let's all improve our racial slur vocabulary.

0  2017-06-10 by DaveNone

Saw this on twitter. Interesting little place that will help us all increase our knowledge of slurs and pick up new ways to insult people. Get rid of spic, nigger, kike, cracker, camel jockey and replace them with fence fairy, mud flaps, cliptip, bacon bits, double d and so many others.



I refuse to give up the old standards of Jungle bunny,Shitskin,Mud duck,Moon crickets,Jigaboo,Lawn ape,Porch monkey,Banjolips,Sambo,Antique farm equipment,Niglet,Pickaninny and the tried and true Nigger

Ronzoni for Italians.

Chicken nugget scoon

I've always liked zipperhead


Chink and gook are both great, but I always felt like I needed a slur that I could proudly use for all Asian ethnicities, as any self-respecting racist should care about accuracy. Zipperhead doesn't quite have the bite to it that I like, so I'm excited about the possibilities here with "dog-eater."

I know a Vietnam vet who uses 'zips'. Has a nice ring to it.

Try slope.

Stern before he got lame: https://youtu.be/7KR23to7_L4

I clicked that link & came! ........ I've always liked 'Abu-Dabi clit-swipers'

I know a Vietnam vet who uses 'zips'. Has a nice ring to it.

Try slope.