Dear Bill Donohue: What do you think about the catholic priest who was the principal at my high school who fucked little boys? F is for Family actually displays more Catholic values than the fucking pedo priests infesting the schools and churches

0  2017-06-10 by OochyWally


I didn't know Catholics were still a thing. Is that why Burr's cartoon sucks so much?

About 1/4 of the population in America is catholic.. there is even a pope.. maybe you've heard of him..

I thought he died. They smoked him or something. Bunch of creeps.

Yeah I also thought this nigga was dead

that stat always scares the shit out of me

Yeah Catholics are always flying planes into buildings and mutilating little girls.

go back to r/atheism you...disagreeable fellow.

no but they are fucking boys in the mouth. im not in anyway defending islam but don't act like Catholics have any moral ground to stand on throughout the years you short sided twat.

GADZOOKS! They've been manufacturing proudboys the the whole time & installed Gavin as their general. It all makes sense now.

Fair enough on the mouthfucking, but you said you're "scared" that a quarter of the population is catholic. Individual catholics are harmless and don't fuck boys, nor advocate for it.

If you're seriously frightened of a few million normal catholics then you're either a pussy or brainwashed by the r/atheism crowd.

i grew up catholic went to a catholic school you will never convince me that there is a normal Abrahamic religious person. i think it is a form of retardation or laziness. I dont like atheist for the most part they can come off just as arrogant and pompous as religious people so i dont know why you keep harping on the r/atheism chat.

I'm too pissed off at the media's support of those boy-fucking Muslims to give a shit about the papists anymore.

thats why i hate the media


All christians are kid fuckers, either directly or by proxy. There is no difference between them and muslims.

Fee Fi Fo Fike,
I smell the blood of a stupid kike.

OP, how many times did he fuck your butthole?

I'm listening to 2007 Ron and Fez. Ron thinks Bill is in violation of God and possibly gay for not being married.

Im genuinely annoyed by how many members of the gos squad are on this sub. Its like hitting a new low for this place.

I can't believe that we can lose such an incredible man as Christopher Hitchens so early in his life and yet an old turd like donohue still won't flush.

Also may he lay in his own hell with a broke back

Yeah I also thought this nigga was dead

Fee Fi Fo Fike,
I smell the blood of a stupid kike.