Chris Hardwick stinks

73  2017-06-10 by schmuckOnWheels

The Talking Dead, Talking Saul, etc are dumb. He also does standup. I've never seen it but I will assume it is terrible. And he is another pontificating recovering alcoholic like failed comedian Jim Morton. Fuck him, right team?


He's a nerd you see. A rich, physically fit, handsome, fashionable, popular man who loves popular things - you know, a real nerd.

Yes, this is his gimmick. He's this weird geek who likes The Walking Dead and Star Wars and other niche stuff normal people just don't know about.

And then you listen to him talk about them and you realize this piece of shit knows these things at a surface level. He's a pilferer

he also owns waifu pillow

I don't know what that is but it sounds delicious.

It's very refreshing

he's a geek. A nerd is more of a genius, socially awkward.

Geeks trick you into thinking they're smart, but they're not. Like Ant. A high school dropout that likes NASA makes Ant a space geek, but that doesnt mean he could do math problems to send men into space like a certain group of southern black women

So does that other fuck - what the fuck is his name? The guy from Stand By Me. Wil Wheaton. "He's actually a really smart guy."

He's basically just a second-tier Ryan Seacrest.


Fun fact- he married Patty Hearsts daughter. Holidays must be bat shit crazy

I bet she has got a little bit of cash!

The Talking Dead, Talking Saul,

I can't imagine watching one show for an hour and then watching another hour-long talk show about what you just watched right after that. Not to say I wouldn't sit down for more then one show, but you have to be kind of pathetic to spend so much on something like that.

It's just people speculating on the show, you can see the exact same shit on any Internet board or forum, except online it has the truly autistic psychos weaving insane theories together.

I looked up the ratings on Wikipedia. It's pretty ridiculous how many people watch it. When I was a fan of a The Walking Dead I would change the channel the second it was done. I don't know if mobile links work:

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Way to still have cable fag.

The only thing I watch on tv at this point is Game of Thrones or sports.

Consumers are stupid. They watch a show, get a high for it and want the high to continue so they'll watch a show immediately after that retreads on what they just saw. Humanity is a failure of a species.

Hey, I'm gonna own up to being one of those people. I can't even explain WHY I have this need to watch recap opinion shows (not so much Talking Dead itself since it panders too much to the show, I'll seek out neutral recap shows on YouTube) but it almost certainly has something to do with knowing very few people (at home or work) that watch it with whom I could discuss it with. And being curious about other takes on what you just saw, which can connect dots I missed. I also watch very little TV, so maybe that's why I don't mind dissecting what little TV I do watch.

I can't imagine listening to a radio show for twenty years and then after it's cancelled spending another five years on a message board reliving and analyzing every moment of past shows and obsessively following and critiquing the lives of all it's various participants no matter how minor they were or where their careers have gone.

Clam up, you.

If you're going to build a speculation show after the show you're recapping, then you shouldn't bring on the actors who already know what's going to happen on the rest of the cocksucking season.

Im baffled by his fame. He's a terrible fucking interviewer too. I have no idea how he gets the guests that he does.

His podcast was bought by legendary media, thats why pr people will stop interviews halfway through and he takes it like a chump

Goddamn Puerto Ricans ruin everything...

leave Louis J Gomez out of this

I don't think I've ever heard him say anything remotely critical of anything. Who wants to listen to an interview where it's just ballwashing and faux-enthusiasm?

I think that might be the appeal of it, they know he won't go down any challenging roads.

Conversely, how about that Sam Elliott interview by Jim and Sam? Holy fucking shit. They were like two dumb housewives with some of those questions. Fuckin fags.

He has one good quality: his worth ethic. This cocksucker works at least four shows at any given time. They're all awful, but he shows up and he tries. 'Trying' is in short supply.

Dont forget his terrible Comedy Central show @midnight. Where he fake laughs at horrible comedians.


Tried to give @midnight a shot when I saw some names that interested me but he's so terrible I've never been able to make it through a full episode. I would be interested in something like Talking Saul if the host wasn't absolute garbage.

/u/ChrisHarwick, comment, faggot?


He never criticizes anything. So yah he gets pushed to retards by the people who air garbage shows. (BCS is okay)

He's always going to be that nerd that took up Jenny McCarthy's screen time on that goofy MTV show Singled Out.

Who's Chris Hardwick? Everyday you peckas are angry at another marginal online personality, it's tough to keep track.

Nerdy Ryan Seacrest

Except this is a guy who is actually famous.

Fuck him, right team?

lmfao I fuckin love u

I wish that fake laughing caused lung cancer.

Taking a risk there

For science!!!! Fucking yuck

Don't forget that he disrespected Jim Norden by airing his podcast months after the things Jim was trying to promote.

I believe his defense was he thought Jim had retired from the humor business.

See? He's not all bad.

Then Jimmy bad mouthed him and backed down when Hardwick confronted him. "I wasn't trying to motherfuck you." Oh worm.

He's also old as shit. I think he's like pushing 50 and still behaves and looks like a manchild

He's 45?! Holy shit

Great point, you just won the internet! Yuck

He never used to be like that. He just adopted a nerd persona to capitalize on real nerds and take their money. Can't hate on that.

Never seen his standup either, just assuming I would not like it based on the audience he caters to.


Seriously hes the biggest faggot in the universe and @midnight is fucking unfunny tryhardy dogshit

I was cringing when Glenn died. Chris was so humble and sad about his death I thought it was for real.

The way he fake laughs at every unfunny answer on @midnight fills me with rage. Such a tryhard kiss-ass phoney fucking faggot.

He's Comedy Central's Jimmy Fallon. An unfunny faggot that panders to the dumbest, most sensitive Americans.

Never seen anyone lick their guests assholes harder than Hardlick. His standup is terrible in that trying to be smart, but it's just a Disney rounded edge average borefest.

You don't like the wall? They are changing lives!

The problem with those "Talking Shows..." is that they are hype and fawning for the shows. They do not critically review what they say in the slightest. As expected of course but are never interesting.

I actually like him and respect anyone that can carve out a successful career in show business that is not just "actor."

he seemed cool when he was on singled out

I went to the comedy store to see Bill Burr, and saw this Chris shit dick by default. Didnt make me laugh at all, and he was hosting the fucking thing. I forgot about him, then i saw him on tv. What a cruel world