Weird things all black people do 3/10

34  2017-06-10 by Geoffrey_Arnold


Why are womens ideal selves always so bitchy? Are all women just innherently shitty beings that are only sometimes nice due to self interest?

that's y I'm gay now :)

I hope Artie is okay

But really... what is with black people's (and all ghost people's) complete lack of empathy when it comes to assaulting the elderly?

A modern black scholar, Antwan Kumiya, once pointed out, "they aren't people". Pretty much sums it up.

Raised to believe empathy is weakness mixed with high testosterone and low IQ.

Was that person even wearing a hat?

Another job they can't get right.

True. Even female n people do this.


Well that was rude.

Sorry, niggers are niggers nigger.

whats weird about that. shouts to ny 1 and thst one nigga i got drunk with once robert clarke

You're gonna need waaaaaaay more than 10, buddy.

This isn't funny and it's going to get us banned.

This isn't funny and it's going to get us banned.

Shut the fuck up.

Privilege checked!

Hey yo which way is norff?