some douche youtuber is on the front page about how a fan found his house and came inside which reminded me of the time that happened to ant.

5  2017-06-10 by fish_flower

He talked about this crazy stalker fan finding his house and as he was discussing it on the radio the truth came out that ant had invited him over. It was quite a cringey moment for old antoine.

Anyone have the audio?


thank you sir


I'm not sure if there's an archive of them, by you used to be able see this unfold on LFTC. It does play out closer to the caller's story.

Anthony was way too playful with the guy, and while an outsider could tell he was just messing around, a super fan probably wouldn't given Anthony's propensity for allowing fans way too deep into his life.

I'm sure this guy got a lifetime pool party invite after this. Once a queer witnesses his homosexual midget dad throw one plate of ragu, he avoids conflict for a lifetime.

So you're saying, Ant was being a flirt, or at least teasing this young man?

And that man, was Sue Lightning

Ah old fun times when he first started LFTC.Trolling other room shows then Anthony would get bitched at by Livestream because we were "his people" They would ban you but just unbanned yourself fucking with scripts then they had to take it or quit doing show.There was pride going into forum complaints and find your username in one why they are quitting Livestream and what comment/s push them over edge.He changed to another site and ruined all the fun

Oh dang I never heard the second half, Anthony was, is and always will be dumb asshole.