This is Rock Bottom in the Comedy World

16  2017-06-09 by unclepaul84


Reminder that this faggot is allegedly a public figure and made his tweets private.

Joe Matarese is the cancer on top of cancer, on a good day.

I went to the doctor because I had a lump on my testicle. He said "it's your other testicle!" No respect I tell you, no respect!

Oh yea, I almost forgot I hate this guy

I can't wait to hear what idiocy this stupid fuck comes up with for his new podcast.

Just heard the devastating news that Fixing Joe is coming to end on Monday.

Quick, someone buy it and redirect it to

It's not like anyone is clicking anything from his tweets besides us fags


It's still up and fun to redirect to.

The retard forgot to put an e on the end of his own name

This guy abuses his prescriptions, watch out!

I dont even think he does. This joke is supposed to be hes on a lot

Exactly. Faggot is not even clever enough to imply that he uses and abuses his meds. The "joke" is literally that he is on meds. Joe 'I can't even get a word in on my own fucking show' Mattafeces

Sir, your link shortener crapped out.

Looks like he had the lower the price of a live podcast due to shitty sales. Probably thought cuz the one we saw sold out that they all would. Joe is the opie of stand up

Am I supposed to know who this is?

I think it's one of those grease retards from come pound cumia

He abuses fish oil and Centrum Silver. We have seen the real proof.

His Omega 3 levels are quadruple that of a normal man.

Yeaaa what's he gonna do next the people's elbow or sumptin tssss

If there was ever an argument in favor of prescription medication its that guy right there. That guy used to be OUT OF CONTROL!

Wow, I really feel bad for him at this point. Why not get his nursing degree and he can work with his wife?

so can we hire Joe to come to our sub reunion/prom

I dont even think he does. This joke is supposed to be hes on a lot