Bobo - a man of importance



this guy is a total flea.

you're right, this Alex is a total parasite to Bobo

No shit, he's a clinically retarded person who managed to make somewhat of a name for himself, albeit a very small name, thanks to O&A. What else would he have going on in his dull life, except maybe being a Met's autistic super fan.

He's a good scrambled eggplant.

God bless him.

Alex Engelbert looking for some of that sweet sweet amputated cock

His cock smells very bad 100%

And tastes 110% great

He really is a man about town


A man of leissuuurre!

He actually did it the absolute madman

This fucking reference already.

a man of importance, but not impotence.... We've proved it in scientific tests (usually before a live radio audience)

A real jet setter that Bobo.

I can picture Bobo sitting on a bench telling strangers about the parties he goes to on the weekends, and the strangers just humoring him like he's Forrest Gump.

He starts a shrimp business with Anthony.

Forrest started the shrimping business remember.

A man of many means....

Daniel lives life in the fast lane-- there's dogs, dick surgeries, moving & storage, 22 dollar seats at Mets games.......

And....Compound Parties....which feature the sordid associates of a 60yr old, pedophile alcoholic who hosted a radio show for 15 yrs.

Champagne wishes Bobo....

it works in that guys voics

Had to say it in that assholes voice as I typed - "48 dick surgeries"

"....and O'Vah FAWW-tee Aiht dick Sur-greeze!"

Sounds extravagant that way.

and he rides there in style via the NEW YORK CITY MTA BUS system!

I mean, lets just imagine what Bobo's life would have been like had he NOT hooked up with Antwan.

This really is the absolute best he could have ever possibly hoped for.

And somehow he's the least retarded person there.

I'm really mad you guys aren't giving my mom more money while I party with Fred from Brooklyn

I bet that after party is a blast. Fred from Brooklyn, Keith the Cop, runaways, and not a black in sight!

There's always the one black dude there who he sings karaoke with. (Is his name Carlton? Ironically enough?)

It probably a family member

A man of means.

He's bigger than US Steel!

Consider the fact that Bobo was the 2nd biggest name at that "after party", only to be outdone by "White Lightning" Cumia.

I wish Bobo was dead.

Who's the yogurt ogre?

That saddest thing about Bobo being invited to the compound is that Ant stopped ironically inviting him years ago.

That's Geno's ex who went publically crying on Twitter when he broke up with her. Saw her dumper too on Instagram. She's a 4 at best. Doubt she will get an invite.