Just listened to a little of yesterday's J&S... Holy shit.

39  2017-06-09 by Single_Action_Army

Middle-of-the-Road Jimmy is the most annoying, pontificating cunt I've ever heard.
"You know, that drunk reporter was a twat and she shouldn't have kicked and spit on a police officer and told him to lick her asshole, but I feel bad for her and this incident shouldn't ruin her."
"Yeah I don't think it's totally right or wrong to say 'nigger,' I think black people should decide for us."
"You know, man, the right was really as bad as the left with this PC stuff when it came to the Kathy Griffin case."

A wise man named Anthony Soprano once said "the wrong decision is better than indescision," and I can't agree more. Pick a side in life, you wormy cunt. You're not some lofty thinker or a maverick by just claiming both sides of the argument are equally valid or invalid.
Oh, and he denied that Jews control the media, I can't imagine the fury Sam felt when he said that.


Where we at with indecisiveness?

I don't know, man, there's really just multiple ways of looking at this situation.

I'm kind of ambivalent about it.

That's a tough one.

Remember when he was extremely right wing for no reason, Jimmy?

Jim's indecisiveness stems from the fact that he does zero research into anything his opinion can be easily swayed by anyone who appears to know anything.

That combined with his spinelessness makes for a real fence sitter.

I think it's more about him not wanting to alienate anyone. Seems like most comedians these days care more about not offending or burning a bridge then having an actual opinion

Exactly, he is not dumb he is just trying to not ruin what chances he has left at becoming a mainstream success. His old "right wing" opinions from the Tough Crowd days probably haven't changed much, he's just become more interested in making money.

No, he is dumb. He has no ability to think past an ideal.

This is why my love for Nick DiPaolo and his no bullshit show is growing threefold daily.

Even if his show sucks?

I wonder if the crying libtard baby sound clip button has worn out yet

He can do wonders with the show as far as getting comics he likes on. That would be a good show. The time is perfect. The comics are awake and it's before they have spots. Nick Dipaolo by himself shooting shit off of the staff he was given is a nightmare shit-show. He's good at broadcasting, but if he tries to do too much solo it's going to have the popularity of the Anthony Cumia show. One angry wop repeating himself.

Nick is great, but the quality of his show would improve tenfold if he cut the number of calls he takes to two or three.

Nick should totally fill the void of bringing their fellow cellar crowd guys in regularly, and for the entire show. Nobody else seems interested in doing that and it seems to me that's the show we want. Still, nick currently has the best show out there, even if it is a little boring.

Agreed, and he is a great host when a guest is in. Guy is the most underrated comic of this century.

Middle of the road Jimmy is cancer.

Jim really is a former shell of himself. He can hardly take on a caller any more. He just kinda says "baby boy" at the very end with the energy of the worm he has become.

a former shell of himself

dat dont make no sense

He's already past the point of being a shell of his former self. Now he's just nothing

I believe sjeff is referring to Jim's turtle-like appearance.

You got the expression wrong, idiot.


"I think black people should decide for us" Really?

A wise man named Anthony Soprano


Jim Norton is one of the stupidest people I've ever heard, and is so confident in what he thinks. It's actually entertaining.

Compared to the shit cunt of an intern hole segment, middle of the road Jimmy doesn't seem so bad. The show is by every metric unlistenable. I'm declaring it now. Worse than Opie's.

entitled twat maybe, but hole?

A hole is someone who goes "ohhhh guysss, that's bad!" and kills a conversation. That overconfident 4/10 was talking about sucking dick at disneyland and making Anthony her bitch. I thought it was funny and there's a lot of potential for them to fuck with her and Anthony.

I'm so close taking a brick to my XM radio when J & S are on. Want to really hear some meaningless, AC/DC Norton or drag-everything-out, palaver-spewing cunt Roberts? Tune in to today's 'keen' insights to the Trump/Comey dust-up...I need help to keep away from them...the bit question is, why do I listen to these shitbirds at all? Just a pathological hater, I guess.

Jim's non-analysis of politics and Sam's parroting of what some other faggot said but in a sarcastic tone is just polluting airwaves.

I would really like him to get through a sentence without saying "on the other hand"