Anyone watch McCain have a stroke on live TV today?

11  2017-06-08 by Virginia_Beach


I thought he grilled President Comey quite effectively.

While the rest of the committee was attempting to extract the truth from Comey about unprecedented private meetings between a President and the FBI director, McCain was rambling on about double standards regarding the expediency of reaching conclusions and closing cases. Beyond that, he kept implying Comey was the President. Perhaps it's time for him to step down and enjoy his waning days.

I was being facetious ya silly goose!

Well how the stinking hell should I know? Shit, I even like McCain, but he made a fool of himself

No one tell him

you spelled faeces wrong

what are you a gay faggot

Just a faggot, sir. Not gay.

All that happened today is they got nothing on Trump yet they will continue to waste time and money on nothing.

I agree, but there in the middle of investigation, and who knows what those results will yield. Republicans had no problem wasting everybody's time and money by holding over 20 committee hearings on Benghazi. So, they should probably shut up

It will result in nothing. They maybe can nitpick and needle some people over and over to get them to perjure themselves just like the McCarthy hearings. Benghazi was dirty. People died. They had every right to look into it. Crying about losing an election and making up crap about it out of spite is something different. Buncha crybabies with nothing of substance to offer.

This isn't about losing an election. It's going on the known fact that Russia hacked the Democratic system, planted fake news stories and ultimately interfered with our election process. Yes, one of our oldest adversaries tried to influence our democratic process, as they did with France, too. The part they are investigating is IF any one in Trump's campaign, including Trump, assisted them in the process. There is a lot of smoke regarding this issue, i.e. Kushner, Flynn, Manafort all meeting with Russians before and after inauguration, and all lying about it.

this sub is for jokes about elderly radio hosts

Fuck off, Russia did not "hack" the elections. Hillary was unpopular and could not beat Trump, people made had their minds made up way before the Russia shit even began. Stop making excuses for Hillary's loss, you are a shill.

Fuck yourself, shitdick. I never said they hacked the elections. I said they tried to interfere, you non-comprehending fucktard.

Trying to reason with these fucking cultists is nothing but a waste of time

Fuck you, you specifically said "Hack". Stop listening to the main stream media blaming and fear mongering everything on Russia. Russia had nothing to do with Trump winning. Fuck off, and go die in a ditch. I'm embarrassed that you're username has a city in my home state.

Hey dickhead, again, I didn't say they hacked the election, I said they hacked the DNC. You are one stupid motherfucker. Get the fuck out of my state, you know, the one that didn't vote for a fat, 70 year old, orange egomaniac who has not one fucking clue how to govern, which is evident based on his unprecedented 37% approval rating. LOL. He's a fucking bust. Own it, stupid.

How and why did they hack the DNC then? What was the point? I bet you were not even born in Virginia lol. My family has been here for generations, go back to NY or CA fucknut.

Do you read, at all? They hacked John Podesta's email and the DNC to get dirt on Clinton, which they did. How do you think the information got out that the DNC actively blocked Bernie Sanders? It fucking came from Wikileaks's, which got the information from Russia. Have you been living under a fucking rock? And if think for one second I supported Hillary, you're fucking stupid. I did not vote because I have a conscious. I wanted neither, Trump nor Clinton in charge of this country. Both are proven liars.

Your boy Seth rich leaked the DNC's stuff. Hence the nigga got capped.

Lmao at being proud of being from Virginia.

And yes voting for a 79 year old senile, pandering cunt is much better.

LOL approval ratings. From the same people that said your loser cunt candidate had a 95% chance winning. You just eat up anything they tell ya, stupid faggot.

It's going on the known fact that Russia hacked the Democratic system, planted fake news stories and ultimately interfered with our election process.

I'll wait until it's a known fact before I start conclusively saying the Russian government had interfered in this manner.

*Yes, one of our oldest adversaries tried to influence our democratic process, as they did with France, too. *

As America has done throughout the world, including in Russia.

Um, you could stop waiting. Every intelligence agency has said without a doubt, they did

How about some proof? You don't think those agencies ever lie?

Every? Without a doubt? In your words the "fact that Russia hacked the Democratic system" Which is somehow the same as Podesta being hacked. You can't back up any of your dumb faggots brainwashed narrative that you bought into. You're such a dumb faggot. Tell me how 17 intelligence agencies said so like your dumb cunt loser Clinton said which turned out to be 3 which turned out to be independent nothing companies which turned out to be "possibly". Retard.

You're not smart? Are ya? I love that Republicans are defending Russia. It's fucking hilarious. Good day, comrade.

Didn't reply to a single point, had zero comebacks to facts. And reading comprehension is abysmal.

It's so hilarious to see democrats shitting their pants about Russia when your hero Obama told Mitt his 1980s policy called haha. Good day, brainwashed retard. Muh Russia 😭

Didn't reply to a single point, had zero comebacks. Reading comprehension is abysmal.

So hilarious to see democrats shitting their pants about Russia when your hero Obama told Mitt his 1980s policy called haha. Good day, retard.

I don't reply to people who form their opinions based on the news they get from infowars. Man, who would have eve thought the Republicans, the party of Reagan, would pay loyalty to Russia over America? Cheers, comrade!

As opposed to CNN that shared debate question with your loser candidate lmao. Good day, shillbot. Wonder if share blue pays you too.

Didn't vote for her, comrade. It must be frustrating for you to try an pin me as a Democrat just because I think Trump is a fucking abomination as a President. No, comrade. I'm an independent. You know, the group of voters you rely on to get Republicans in office. Problem is, we are leaving the Republicans in exodus. Enjoy your 37% approval, and your short lived Presidency!! LOL

It is going on the manufactured rumor that they hacked something somewhere and that somebody may have spoken to someone else who happened to be from Russia. Vagueries elicit open ended questions leading to empty news stories and verbal masturbation amongst a group of overanxious sore losers who have lost all purpose but for petty prefabricated baseless accusations and infantile gossip. When that is all a political party can do it is doomed.

Muh Russia! Even though Podesta has ties to Russia and Hillary's big Russia reset button remember that? Remember the uranium deal?Remember what Obama said to Mitt or to the Russian ambassador? So funny to see you faggots dems crying about Russia now after all that. Keep shitting your pants retard. Still no ties to Trump. Toodles.

I'm not a Democrat, comrade. Although, it does appear that the Democrats are interested in protecting America's security while Republicans like yourself are more interested in protecting your Dear Leader and your motherland, Russia. Fucking hilarious. McCarthy is rolling over in his grave knowing that Republicans are now embracing America's longest communist adversary. LOL.

All I hear is a hypocrite dem crying about Russia after all his favorite polticians had closer ties to them than Trump. It's a fact they hacked the election! (Can't provide specifics doe, msnbc said so)


SEE HOW NOT WORKED UP I AM! Keep crying, fag.

All I hear is a hypocrite dem crying about Russia after all his favorite politicians had closer ties to them than Trump. It's a fact they hacked the election! (Can't provide specifics doe, buzzfeed and ny times said so)


SEE HOW NOT WORKED UP I AM! Keep crying, fag. You can't provide facts after multiple people asked you for them. But muh DNC SAID SO! You got nothing, later shit head.

It's hilarious how you trust the words of a proven and pathological liar, but dismiss ALL of the intelligence agency's findings that say Russia hacked into our systems and tried to disrupt our electoral process. You are the perfect little communist! LOL Follow your Dear Leader into hell, comrade. Nothing is funnier than seeing Republicans disregard our intelligence agencies but at the same time defend Russians.

It's hilarious how you trust the words of a proven and pathological liar, but dismiss ALL of the intelligence agency's findings that say Russia hacked into our systems and tried to disrupt our electoral process. You are the perfect little communist! LOL Follow your Dear Leader into hell, comrade. Nothing is funnier than seeing Republicans disregard our intelligence agencies but at the same time defend Russians.

A tad ironic no?

He is too fucking senile to even serve his puppet masters properly anymore. He has the energy of a teenager, but also the mind.

That nigga old

At one point he went "President Comey...Comey...President Comey". He knew what he was saying was wrong but he couldn't get the right word to come out of his mouth.

At the very least, that was the beginning of dementia manifesting in him. In reality, he has probably been having those episodes for years, but there is no one in his life who can force him to step back.

Cognitive decline is hell. More So than even the physical decay that comes with aging.

I prefer Senators who don't have dementia and did not get caught.

Your observational skills are off the charts. Take your hot take on over to /r/politics! :-D

I'd rather stroke to Megan McCains fat naturals.