"Cellar crowd comedians" are not what made O&A great

0  2017-06-08 by icecap

It was the banter between Anthony, Jim, and a select few regular guests (comedians or not). A certain segment of this subreddit seem to think simply having more comedians on can improve a show as dismal as Jim & Cro-berts. How many fucking times do you people have to hear about the "industry of comedy". How can civilians like us even relate to such experiences. Maybe I'm an outlier but comedians aren't funny or entertaining.


patrice getting sick and dying is what killed O&A

Opie becoming a family man didn't help either

Opie sucked before that

He at least got a few funny vids of homeless people. He now admits he had to stop doing that because he has a family. He is donsky in October. Hope they replace him with Tits Barley, the Tits with taste.

Other than Patrice and Louie the rest of the comedians on the show were pretty "eh". They didn't hurt the show by all means, but they didn't make the show. The best bits of O and A were when the three of them would be on the same page and they were bashing someone or something. The Roy Hollander interview, the Lawyer who hated woman, is the best example of that.

The comedians are the inro to O&A on youtube. O and A, struggling to book a famous guest=best. The comedians were never that important, except Patrice.

yeah duh it was the opster

Also the Opster steering the ship. He was so experienced in radio that everything and everyone he touched turned to gold.

"Shut up, stupid"

Top bant from the cellar crowd. The real comedy heavyweights.