Sam's dad asked Jess if she was pregnant again as she's a big fat person

9  2017-06-08 by Dennyislife

Clearly eats the same as Sam.


She's just preggers again. She's having Irish twins with the south african doctor. The doctor walked into the recovery room and laid the pipe while Sam was playing with his NWO figurines in the playroom. The kid's name will be Chappie.

What? I was told by O&A that Jess was a 10/10.

They say that about every slit associated with the show. Loke Mrs. Margera, Bonnie McFarlane, Blobby's wife Dawn, Stetten, etc. They are loying.

...Lady Di

And while the nicoleaky was ongoing they were all over her gravely tits and Mediterranean horse face

CONFIRMED: She was asked to help move a couch into a brown van.