Much like all of Opie's bits, you autists are really driving the faggot UT shit into the ground.

6  2017-06-08 by crookedmile


As opposed to what, the same repetitive shit that's been festering here the past two years?

I understand that when this sub gets any attention, everyone here acts like a fucking spazz to the utmost degree, but this isn't Schumer being a joke thief. Hell, the supersleuth's on this sub uncovered indisputable evidence that Patton Oswalt murdered his wife, so there is public good here, but 40 threads on some chilango from a college no one gives a shit about is a bit much.

Child spit.

I'd enjoy 100 threads of that.

tsst, they should drive on the road


Trains are a common autist obsession, due to the sensory interest in spinning objects.

Yea, if by driving into the ground you mean breaking new ground of comedy.