J&S's new intern is the worst

55  2017-06-08 by porsalin

Enough already. They had their shot. They blew it. I put up with Sam's awful voice. The WWE/UFC/Pornstar guests. The new interview style of show. The lack of cellar crowd comedians. The terribly uninformed political/cultural discussions. The sobriety talk. Middle-of-the-road Jim. You name it. But now they have this cunty entitled piece of shit intern in who's not fit to wipe Derek's anus pipes. She fucking stinks so bad I can't wait to hear Sam. Her whole "I'm a bitch. I need a strong man. I'm one of the guys" schtick is fucking enraging. Unless the next show is them impaling this cunt with a javelin, I doubt i'll tune in again.

The show has hit a new low. Thoughts on my faggy, self-aggrandising bullshit?


I like your idea dor the next show, you should let Jim and Sam know.

I was watching a clip the other day of Sarah Silverman on Tough Crowd and she was leaning back with her legs wide and her arm slung across the bag of the chair all relaxed looking, acting like "just one of the guys." It made me sick.

Perhaps the stench of her acrid cunt somehow magically wafted through your screen?

That segment was cringeworthy as fuck. But, they'll have her on about 20 more times before August

But she wrote a script already and they are gonna read it on air. Aint you excited? I hope Tits Barley is in it.

I don't mind her.. Yet.

I think it's because part of my brain wants to fuck her

She's a soft 4 at best. Plus she fucks niggers.


Maybe not your soft 4, sockcuckah DVDV!

Or I gotta fawkin soft 4 right now! Iono jus riffin', ya turn.

Anyone got a pic?? And i don't mean of the niggers.

Twitter.com/jimandsamshow. They posted a pic yesterday. Shes aiight.


Ding, ding ding!

She is no Intern David by any stretch of the imagination, at the same time, i wouldn't judge her by her first appearance alone.

The way she bitches out anthony is pretty fun

No it isn't. Run into knives as punishment.

Man you guys have gone full faggot. If you wanted Gail Bennington you should have said.

I think you should try suicide but if you dont Ill keep waiting

Irrelevant to this post, but which one of you motherfuckers drew the picture of Opie and Sam in the Karate Kid poses? I never saw that before today and shot hot coffee out of my nose when I did.

Wouldn't the world be great if women had personalities?

"I suck dick, dick dick dick and sex and dicks go in my vag!"

They do have personalities, of the men that they're fucking at the time. Like a parasite attaching to it's host, it's a symbiotic relationship. Men get access to their stink holes, and women get to act like humans through some weird form of character-osmosis. I'm sure I used all of these words wrong, point being, women are stupid cunts.

Sometimes if makes you wonder if they're worth it at all. Maybe we should just stick to our own, you know? We can just marry and have sex with each other and leave the women out of it. Who is with me?!

But isn't that an abomination in front of our Lord?

I don't think Denny minds

Check your inbox.

Anthony is lightning years ahead on this subject.

This post is going to trigger the fuck out of some UT students.

You will definitely listen again, who the fuck are you kidding.

Bet you $$ I won't

You couldn't even commit to saying you definitely wouldn't listen again in your own post. Need I say more?

I gave up on these faggots along time ago. Are you saying Jim is going to hit on some easily attainable woman on air and then get snubbed? It's happened 100 times before and it wasn't funny then, nor is it now. Jim and Sam are both pathetic people. We get it.

Haha perfect

I disagree with your comment, but Vic Henley dos indeed have a horse face, so kudos to you sir

She stinks but I don't blame her, I blame Jim and Sam that were HOWLING at her Chip level jokes.

people are still listening to j&s

lmfo ahhhhhhhhahahahahahh

the next one is gonna to be gold tho despite they have been shit since the beginning

I think they should bring her on as third mic.

I'm really surprised that Jim had her on the air again, two days in a row!

I didn't get to hear the whole thing but I bet they didn't bring up her sucking dick again, right?

Somehow jim finds a way to masturbate to this piggish mess, props to him I guess

Hot women are radio cancer

"Hot" women are radio cancer


Jimmy is not queer. Sam is black though!

maybe I'm gettin soft in my fat old age .... but I found her quite endearing, maybe 'cus I'm a non-perfect guy who talks a good game, (then gets shy & scared)

stop listening to a bad show, idiot

I've stopped!

Porn star guests? I thought they weren't allowed in the studio.

The terribly uninformed political/cultural discussions. - You should hear Brent Hatley on the Howard Stern Show.

Norton said on Legion of Skanks they had a new 20 something female intern & she was "Actually really funny, seriously!"

Oh god. I'm sick

Better get your vomit receptacle (my chest pls):

[She was just funny, she was talking & being herself!](www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkYlnVobJ28)

Weird how he always seems to say that about porn stars, ex-girlfriends and non-unattractive interns.

what a surprise hes trying to fuck her

How'd you steal her from him?

You'll laugh when she, or some other female intern, realizes she can sue the show and Sirius for sexual harassment.

I stopped listening when I became obvious that Sam refused to talk about anything other than Wrestling. No matter the subject somehow wrestling must be involved and discussed at length.

I want that post color coded and only able to open with a retina scan, because that is what EVERYBODY wants and is so CONVENIENT.

She's the kind of girl you would suffer through listening to in real life just because you find her sexy, which is essentially all Jim and Sam were doing, but on the air. This does not make interesting radio.

have you seen her? she's fat and hideous.

They clearly want to have 2 different shows. Sam should just have his dumb wrestling show and Jimmy should finally wise up and produce something that caters to his personality, like a show where he interviews and reviews tranny prostitutes. You can't take 2 sidekicks and have them start the Avengers. What a dumb metaphor. This is a stupid post.


Off switch?


Girls who profess to be 'one of the guys' invariably have mental issues.

She is such a fucking cunt. I called in this morning and told her she should treat Anthony better or this sub will treat her like the entitled bitch she is, and she hung up on me. Absolutely sickening and the worst part is she is a fat piggish 2.5.

Only five minutes in but

"I took notes"

"Took notes where?"

"on my notepad"

showed some promise. If she's really as dumb as a sitcom cliche (I'm positive that was real, and not just her being goofy. it was too fast), they might be able to have fun with that.

Hey /u/Kenn_Kennerson, "enraging" alert!

She isn't even remotely attractive enough for her personality and standards. I'm sure plenty of guys listening were just annoyed because you were thinking "who does this bitch think she is". That's just EVERY dumb 20 something slut these days. I know we are all 40 and out of touch but these are the kinds our generation is raising.

I'm 20 and this is exactly how every cunt my age acts. Theyre entitled, even if they are fat and hideous like this useless bitch of an intern.

I only listen when they've got a decent guest and even then it's lackluster. Can't imagine what it's like with a hole added

I thought she was funny today picking on Anthony.

Leave this sub.

I tapped out a few weeks ago, i can't do it anymore. It's not even worth a hate listen like Opie is from time to time. Just boring..

The last best of they uploaded to the podcast was that dumb violent whore that shoves stuff up men's assholes.

nice comment Anthony, Lionel Bitchy or whatever your name is

They have a hole now? Ugh...

Agreed. She's terrible. It's infuriating that she's allowed to be on the radio just because she's young and (intentionally) gives off a "I might fuck you" vibe.

Jim and Sam really do not get their audience.

They rely on the staff way too much to bring in content for the show because Jim and Sam are so washed out for fresh ideas.

I quit the show last week and I'm not going back. I was on vacation at the beach, staring at waves thinking about my regular listening​ habits and had a moment of clarity and realized that I hate Jim and Sam. I spent most of my time listening to their show rolling my eyes or fast forwarding through entire segments. I think life is happier without those assholes.

I think its funny how she cucks out the new guy real hard, he's just a beta ass bitch so its funny to see him get tooled on by a girl

You couldn't even commit to saying you definitely wouldn't listen again in your own post. Need I say more?

I don't think Denny minds