Scientist Decimates CNN's Brian Stelter on Global Warming Hysteria

0  2017-06-08 by panasonictooth


tldw : CNN and the rest of MSM sucks.

You should watch though. The old scientist gives them the dicking of a lifetime. Pretty much lays out the argument that us "science deniers" have been making.

I did watch the clip but its meh, because whoever still watches CNN or FOX etc is too old or too retarded to understand what this guy is saying.

This isn't the infowars subreddit.

I know, but someone made that post about the London mayor so I though I'd see if I could get away with this.

I was going to tell you that the guy didn’t say anything to deny climate change, no facts just his old dribble. It’s always the old guys saying it isn’t real when they are like 20 minutes away from death but besides that point your comment made me laugh.

He puts forward a better case than Shill Nye the Lying Guy can.

What was the case? Explain me the case?

The case is that the argument we are met with any time we question global warming is "200 of the worlds top scientists say it's real, you think you know better than them?" and that's usually where the conversation ends for climate warriors, that's all they the info they need. Just like the "but 17 intelligence agencies said it's so, you know better than them?"... This dude pointed out that it's not as cut and dry as these scientists giving their opinions, but there are tricky incentives and things that they never tell us about. So he didn't give a scientific case here but I'm sure he'd have a pretty solid one being the creator of the whether channel or whatever he is.

So, 200 scientist all got together and said “ we are getting paid by the government to say global warming is real, so if we say it’s real we have a paycheck” that doesn’t sound right. So, 200 people all decided to join this belief just for money so there valid research shouldn’t be looked at all? Just because maybe they are money hungry? He created the weather channel to make money let’s be real here. He wants to make money and I guarantee he has money in oil making global warming a bad thing for his company. Even if it was “fake” what’s wrong with going solar? Solar means no more Muslim donations to there oil industry? What is so wrong with solar? If we keep pushing for it, we make those Saudi bastards go broke! Or do you want to help the saudis? Do you want to keep paying for there oil?

Going for clean energy and solar and all that shit is the right way to go but that doesn't mean the globalist incentive laden Global Warming agenda should go unquestioned. Tbh I haven't even looked at the Paris Agreement but many people have said how shitty it was. There was a good clip of Rand Paul explaining to Jake Tapper why.

I agree with you, we should question everything. Here is the thing, we have to listen, look at all the facts and make a judgement for ourselves rather then have people tell us what to think. Have you seen information about global warming? Like real people talking about it not denying it. You should read the Paris Agreement, it is the biggest bullshit ever, it was just countries patting themselves on the back but that video you shared is all lies by rand Paul. The Paris agreement was none of that! It was voluntary! Nobody has to lower there emission. It was just an agreement to try. :/ now we are out. Lol it didn’t mean anything but it is a message to Americans to not believe in climate change because now companies can spill there oils into our lakes. Have you ever been to the beach? It is filthy! Look at old pictures of the beaches of America and how blue they use to be. Now they are trash. This planet is going to get rid of us, the planet is fine. I hate global warming alarmist as well, fuck those faggots but I hate even more when rich fuckers tell me it isn’t happening while they get paid by big oil. Go fuck yourself, we let sand niggers run us. We are scared of the extreme Muslim but we let the rich ones run us. Just this week Quatar was banished by big Muslim countries and that can potentially mean that Americans will fucking pay more gas to those fucking saudis! Get them the fuck out of this country. I rather go vegan, use solar panels and recycle then to feed some rich kid in sauria arabia just to come to this country in there fancy cars just to hit and run Americans and then leave because of political immunity fuck that! It’s not about the global warming it’s about getting rid of oil.

I'm so fucking sick of this climate change bullshit. Look at the front page of reddit. Every day there's some shit about saving the planet that's upvoted and fawned over by thousands of faggots on an iphone which was put together by a small gook slave from materials that come from factories that pump shit into the air. While they drink a starbucks from a cup that will never degrade and get ubers that guzzle fuel and cause emissions before they go home and use electricity that is generated by fossil fuels.

Until these virtue signalling cunts decide to live a lifestyle that follows their undying love for the earth they should shut the fuck up.

But they won't and will continue to follow whatever narrative they're brainwashed into following.

That's pretty retarded. So we can't talk about climate change unless we literally stop doing anything that is harmful to the planet? That's like saying you can't eat better unless you never eat another cheese burger or potato chip.

The anti climate change arguments don't even make any sense. Even if climate change wasn't happening at all, fossil fuels are still horrible for the environment in other ways, and will eventually run out. You don't think it's a stupid idea to base society around a very finite substance instead of an energy source that won't die for billions of years?

No I didn't say that we shouldn't talk about it. Rather that the way it's discussed predominantly in msm and social media platforms is totally skewed and turned into a political pawn. It's not a massively urgent problem. Technology is moving so fast we'll be running self sufficiently before climate change is even a problem.

So untwist your panties you tree hugging fag.

Until these virtue signalling cunts decide to live a lifestyle that follows their undying love for the earth they should shut the fuck up.


And you have no basis to say that it's not an urgent problem, or that the advancement of technology will be the solution. That's wishful thinking at best.

i'm pretty sure most people here are on the same page that humanity deserves to end as soon as possible

Being a climate change activist with an iPhone is like being a vegan who still eats pork.

This scientist did not decimate him. He did however have a stroke to make him sound like a retarded Tom Brokaw.

I think you'll find that he did no such thing and in fact exposed the msm and establishment's tactics of shaming anyone who questions the official narrative, and the reason why it should be questioned.

I assume this was to go on your the_donald alt account


So, 200 scientist all got together and said “ we are getting paid by the government to say global warming is real, so if we say it’s real we have a paycheck” that doesn’t sound right. So, 200 people all decided to join this belief just for money so there valid research shouldn’t be looked at all? Just because maybe they are money hungry? He created the weather channel to make money let’s be real here. He wants to make money and I guarantee he has money in oil making global warming a bad thing for his company. Even if it was “fake” what’s wrong with going solar? Solar means no more Muslim donations to there oil industry? What is so wrong with solar? If we keep pushing for it, we make those Saudi bastards go broke! Or do you want to help the saudis? Do you want to keep paying for there oil?