"Moderate drinking may alter brain, study says" - Well no shit. We're all fucked

2  2017-06-07 by crookedmile


I've been drinking more lately (alone, to numb my loneliness) and I'm going to be so pissed off if I end up Alzheimer's ridden while Jim "water and almonds" Norton lives to ninety-five sharp as a spear.

Nothing numbs the pain like not being able to remember shit. All the days just drift away till death.

OMG what happened I cant see anything!!!

You are blind for last 5 years granpa.

Oh OK.

Not me. I only do opiates and stims unlike you pussy footing alcoholic queers.

You might be surprised at the number of alcoholics on here who also do those.

Some people say they drive better when they're drunk, I drive much better when I'm tripping balls.

I hate scientific studies. If god didn't want me to drink he would have let me know by now. Especially after I killed all those people in a drink driving incident a few years ago.

This news is really gonna bum Lady Di out once it hits the Navy wires.

I'm betting on a heart attack or motorcycle accident before the alcohol catches up to me.

I'll look after your wife.

Well I stopped years ago and started eating noopept and choline. Nyah!

I know nothing, but im pretty sure anything done repeatedly or severely can alter the brain. It's meaningless unless you can prove specific negative consequences and they outweigh the positives, such as a social life and the happiness associated with it.

"Something may do something else" study shows

Then a month later...

"Something has no effect on the other thing" newer study shows

That's why I don't listen to any of this shit. Is it good or bad for you? Should I be eating more meat because studies have shown that cavemen ate a mostly meat diet and lived to be 90 or should I be eating less meat because a study showed that different cavemen ate fruits and vegetables and shit and lived to be 90.

Eh, that's why I just go to work and do what needs to be done. Ya just go through life doing the best that you can and try to be a good person. Eh, what do I know?