This Putin fella is a good egg in my book.

40  2017-06-07 by throwawaymanthrows


Hell yeah the fags get put in death camps over there!

Well I mean that might be overdoing it a bit. But I think his heart is in the right place.

love you, love the show

Do they? do they really?


No death camps but to my understanding homosexuality is frowned upon and shouldn't be lived out in public in Russia


Its also frowned upon here but people are so cucked that they won't give there own honest opinion through fear of being labelled Anti-Gay.

I dont agree with Putin on some things but i won't be told by the western media who are very pro gay rights, to the point of literally shoving it down the publics throats that he throws them in ovens and oppresses them, he just believes that it shouldnt be promoted and exposed to children through the media and an individuals sexual preference should be behind closed doors not used as a political platform to show how oppressed they make themselves out to be.

i disagree so a guy and a girl kissing on TV is fine but two guys kissing is showing sexual preference in public and should be behind closed doors?

that's forcing your morals on other people and thats not cool in my opinion. Everybody should live as free as possible drawing the line where it interferes with the freedom of other people

in many cultures a man and a woman kissing is a social norm, has been that way for centuries morals have nothing to do with it, it's more about protecting children whilst still at at a young age from what is still consider an alternative sexual lifestyle until there at a mature age of making there own individual choices.

Who exactly is forcing there morals onto others? i do not see a mass homosexual holocaust happening in Russia. What i do see is gays being thrown of buildings in the middle east because of there sexual preference, yet no outrage from lefties.

What's the story about the throat? Who shoved what?

He means Chechnya, technically Russia but barely

Go to Russia and advocate for your people


Male Chauvinism -Makes me go to sleep with a smile

It just makes me go to sleep alone.

The goodest of eggs.

He seems like one of those guys that might be secretly gay and overcompensates publicly to hide that fact. Having said that, the quotes here really highlight how much of a pussy country America is these days. It won't be long before dirty jokes become illegal here

I've read that Russians basically demand that their politicians be hyper-masculine, because the 90's were so chaotic and destabilizing for them. They want strong manly types to be in charge in order to have a sense of security. I guess that make sense.

You have to act like an overbearing braggart to be successful in their political system. That's why we have Putin.

I have some limited respect for him. I love how Russia is so intolerant of gays. But I know he's basically a sneaky Bolshevik. He's the enemy of America. Not because of the recent meddling in our elections (which is bad) but because he's a god damned commie.

Didn't this guy get a facelift to look younger, though? Like a woman?

If you put that in print in Russia, they'll be shredding your birth certificate photoshopping you out of pictures.

Putin knows five brands of cereal

Next to Sean Connery telling Barbara Walters that he'll slap broads if they get out of line, this is the greatest quote I've ever read.

He comes off like he's trying too hard to show how badass he is, but I do appreciate the fact that he legitimately seems to enjoy being a dude and doing typical guy shit. The Trump dick suckers here keep trying to say what a macho alpha male Trump is, but fucking look at him. He doesn't come off as manly at all. He comes off as a guy who wants to be manly, but isn't and never was. If you strip away all of the titles and money and all of that, Putin could still be your gruff old uncle who's all out of fucks to give. Take away Trump's fancyman bullshit and he's just a pathetic old pudgy bald man eating bowls of ice cream.

Domestic violence has recently been decriminalised in Russia. A Russian man can now legally beat his wife and won't even be arrested.

I've read that Russians basically demand that their politicians be hyper-masculine, because the 90's were so chaotic and destabilizing for them. They want strong manly types to be in charge in order to have a sense of security. I guess that make sense.

You have to act like an overbearing braggart to be successful in their political system. That's why we have Putin.

I have some limited respect for him. I love how Russia is so intolerant of gays. But I know he's basically a sneaky Bolshevik. He's the enemy of America. Not because of the recent meddling in our elections (which is bad) but because he's a god damned commie.