Drumpf Supporters Will Downvote This

13  2017-06-07 by andrewjacksonjihads


If our president can't even trust his own bowels, how can we trust him with the button?

He's also 70. If your plumbing works at least halfway right at that age, you're doing well.

Q: What was your primary reason for supporting Trump?

A: DependsĀ®.

i lold

I bet Donald forces Melania to change his adult diapers every hour or so while while the Secret Service surround her with their guns drawn. That's why she's been so pissed at him in public.

It's cuz his pecker is so big it's hurting her

If norton sees this he'll get an hour of radio out of it tomorrow

Isn't this body shaming?

The Paul Joseph Watson part really makes this a winner. That guy is a cunt and I wanna see him get punched in the face almost as much as I want the president to keel over from a massive heart attack

You're just totally jealous that Trump was in the "squared circle" while you post videos of yourself cosplaying as Macho Man Randy Savage doing elbow drops on your shitty couch cushions.

That was awesome and not queer at all.

Please post a link.

Hey faggot. It was Halloween and it was silly. I know you've never been to a party or even touched another human besides your father when he was mouth fucking you, but sometimes people like to have fun out their in the real world. Okay "apenia" you extreme edgelording loser you

Ho HO!!

Gentlemen, gentlemen. If you can both calm down, we can all agree that one of you is a dope for liking wrestling and the other is a Nazi piece of shit.

He's triggered cause I said I want "daddy" to smell burnt toast

I don't like wrestling.

"This is brilliant actually" is pretty good but "triggered yet, libs?" makes it.

6 out of 19... Image overlapping comments

Is that true? That's morbidly embarrassing

Yes, all of it