Heroin music to appeal to Stinks - 4/5.

0  2017-06-06 by McGowan9

Title Morphine - Early To Bed
Description Other good video of this great band
Length 0:02:56

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Video linked by /u/sexylarrytate:

Title Channel Published Duration Likes Total Views
Morphine - Early To Bed lithium25 2006-08-20 0:02:56 6,519+ (98%) 1,423,867

$quote Other good video of this great band

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Stinks is a faggot, but he's not a faggot faggot, so I don't see him liking Sia. He likes hard rock and hard peckahz.

This is the most depressing song I could think of. It's fucking maudlin garbage. I've never shot smack but this awful song says heroin to me for some reason.

Heroin is euphoric.

But I don't think there's many legitimate heroin anthems. It's a drug that makes you pretty unproductive because you're laying around high all day. If you look at the most famous junkie musicians, their histories show them not writing many new songs and not turning up in the studio or on tour. I can't think of too many people you'd say "the prime of his career really kicked off when he started shooting dope."