Who's in charge of this shit?

3  2017-06-06 by crookedmile


It helps to just blame everything on Keith.

I heard your mom wrote it. SICK BURN!

You lousy crumb-bum!

popular demand

Who the fuck's demanding?

You're* it really is just a gang of retards working over there

That's the joke retard. It's YOUR. Michael is a troll.

Is the misspelling of the show name supposed to be a joke?

Perhaps it's a welcolme for specifically you. ...or this "network" is run by uneducated assholes.

Ant's old chew toy did the graphics. She's a designer!

This is a reference to Michael Malice's twitter. He uses "sick burn" to mock people and intentionally uses the wrong "your" to mock people who do the hack bit of correcting people when they use the wrong "your".

Popular and Demand. Two words that have never been used in connection with Compound Media.