Jim norton in a new Movie.....

19  2017-06-06 by sarahemmingway


From that screenshot my guess for a synopsis is that this a movie about one Mr. Hahrrgis's career as a high school teacher getting a major setback when he gets punished for inappropriate behavior with a demotion and has to teach kindergarten. This is where both the hilarity and the Pitching Tents starts.

High school? Ugh, I hate old ladies.

What's wrong with his skull?

He's passing off aids as if he's just health councious now.

It's snow white, and he's got a shit load of makeup on.

Looks pretty frail. Hang in there jimmy

A-Lister Jim Florentine is in this gem as well.

Jim looks like a preserved corpse of his former self

Pitching Tents:The Jim Norton Story


"Avoid homeroom like the plague" EEEEWWWWwwwwwwWWWWW

i don't even get it

I don't think there's even anything to get. Just horrendous writing, which is why it gives serious chills of the douche variety.

Jim should be in a concentration camp, he's so emaciated. Jesus.

Oof, it didn't even get it's own trailer, it's bundled with other C-list movies. Furry Vengeance was a bigger movie.

Variety was not amused.

"In a desperate attempt to compensate for the lack of wit in the screenplay by Rob Foxx and Jayme Petrille, director Jacob Cooney encourages many of his supporting players — especially Jim Norton as a guidance counselor who fears, with just cause, for his job — to overplay shamelessly. That doesn’t help much."


He got called out by Variety for overacting. That's gonna leave a mark.

His whole acting career is a septic tank, one more turd won't hurt.

Just went to his IMDB, apparently he's in a TV show called Power too?

Anyone watch that?

We're out of the loop with his exciting career. That trailer in the screenshot came out 3 months ago too.

Yea he was a corrupt priest who was buying drugs or something, I watch the show but don't pay that close attention to it - it's like a cheesy drug dealer soap opera for men.

Are they going for another Dazed and confused?

God jimmy is horrible on camera, he acts like actors from the 30s and 40s, always over the top "I don't know where to put my hands" type of awkward vibe. And hasn't aids been basically cured, I mean if he doesn't make enough money from this masterpiece he's always got 60grand where

I just downloaded it (Pitching Tents) expecting crap and just a quick Jimmy cameo but he seems to have a major role and I've already laughed a few times. Worth checking out.

nice try, jimmy

Jim Norton has exactly as much success as he should have, if not more.

The Bene Gesserit witch must leave.


Nicknames: Lil' Jimmy Paycheck

Who did this?

AIDS Principal, Coming to theaters Summer 2017



"Avoid homeroom like the plague" EEEEWWWWwwwwwwWWWWW

I don't think there's even anything to get. Just horrendous writing, which is why it gives serious chills of the douche variety.