Weekly SJW "comedian"....

2  2017-06-06 by TangerineReam


Easy targets: Very feminist "performers" who use "humor" and backwards reasoning to cloud their own sexism. About as short-sided and hacky as you'd expect: Two holes on a podcast that make you laugh AND think!

  • Here's RAE (who looks like Brandy with Down's Syndrome), proving that misogyny is only OK when it's directed at white women, from black people. If that fat fuck that we abuse on here from time to time (Tim Ross) made this joke; he'd be finished on the Chris Gethard/Bret Davis open-mic circuit: https://twitter.com/raesanni/status/871853317193949184

  • Here's MARCIA really letting her male comedian friends HAVE IT because they love George Carlin and have laughed at Sam Kinison bits in the past. She almost looks like the hypothetical version of Big A's daughter. Clearly someone who would only date you just so she could bring you around her female friends to openly bash you, while you had no way to defend yourself without looking "abusive" or "toxic": https://twitter.com/MarciaBelsky/status/872118372670083073.

  • And here's the description of their podcast MISANDRY WITH MARCIA AND RAE, straight from iTunes. Add your customer reviews on the link below:

    Misandry with Marcia and Rae is a podcast hosted by feminist superheroes Marcia Belsky and Rae Sanni, who recognize that the only way to get to gender equality is to eliminate the worst gender. Every week, Marcia and Rae get together to discuss the goings on in politics, pop culture, and to strategize in advance of the upcoming Great Gender War. Logo by Julia Johns Theme Song by Marcia & the Scream Team (John Langdon, Mike Gilliland, and Allen Martin)


Two comics that will NEVER be able to make a living in comedy, since their rhetoric isn't marketable to the rest of the country. Enjoy ONLY selling out your friends' basement shows well into your very late 30's...

*Have fun, just DON'T go over the line, like JOCKTOBER: RANDY AND ALANA style. Among other things, we don't need the sub shutting down... *

RANDOM YT LINKS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwbpDDbKzFM&ab_channel=marciasky, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FKBZ6FW48dA&ab_channel=SecretLoft, (here's one where our girls talk about how NATURE IS SEXIST apparently) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hr96hHpekYU&ab_channel=KeithandTheGirl


gay post

No wonder you're here.

what a waste of wombs


These bitches are cunts.

you look like brandy with Down syndrome

to good to not share with her

Ha.. stupid niggers in the response

Let's be sure to leave some fun constructive criticism on those videos! It's the least we can do for these talented gals.

Rae is a writer on CC's "The President Show," which I'm sure has nothing to do with external features, and is based solely on merits.

Yeah I'm sure she got that because she's funny