Photos that Anthony Cumia can relate with 1 of 1

54  2017-06-06 by ok_to_sink


Unkept shitty Coach bag and stupid little oranges. This picture pisses me right off.

That's what you got from this photo?


I know, dudes a total fag. Did you check out those unmanicured finger nails, I mean come on!

Those nails are totally grody

Those nails look like that bitch has been stuck in Buffalo Bill's well for a couple of weeks.

She needs some good cosmetic dentistry, and I'm more than happy to provide the fist. Pro-bono of course.

I could be wrong but I think the joke was 'I agree with this man's tastes wholeheartedly and I'll pick on the smaller things in the spirit of blatant irony'.

Literal ok_stink


(fa) la la la la

"I gave him the wood shampoo, G.H."

You're not wrong. I got the joke but thanks for making me explain it.

You didn't get the joke, you never explained it, and you're a filthy liar on all counts.

I still like you though.


That's the BIT!

Oh. shit.

Those are Mandarin oranges. The best fucking oranges. Juicy and sweet.

Fuck you George RR Martin, you're not getting off that easily. You still have a magnum opus to complete you shit.

Game of thrones is garbage just like everything else in the fantasy genre.

Isn't every one of your dumb animes fantasy too? Or do you accept them as reality?

"fantasy genre" almost always implies medieval fantasy, which is shit.

GWAR sucks too and I bet you like D&D, nerd.

They do, nope & nice try with the hate tho.

This hentai-faggot has the nerve to criticize fantasy genre?

Yeah I do. It's shit.



You're both faggots, but you're a LOT lower on the totem pole.

i'm just joshin ya, i was actually just at an anime con this past weekend.

While I love anime I'd rather die than go to a convention. I hate weebs that use anime in place of a personality.

i feel you on that but cons can actually be a great time, and when i say that i mean the afterparties are a great time. you'd never expect it but about half the weebs there are only there to fucking party.

my friend and i DJd for a few different suite rooms and i got offered coke/molly/acid about 50 times throughout the night.

I'm not good with crowds or taking drugs with others.

That's a shocker.

They're both just as bad as the other. Once again all parties involved are fags

It's like he's never even seen Your Highness.

what an autist

Here's a real question for you.

Considering that there are tons of A-crowders (jocks/cheerleaders) who currently play console rpgs, do you think the stereotype of fantasy = nerd ever would have happened if video games were invented before rpgs were?

No. The A-crowders will always only like surface level trash and the D&D guys would still be considered weird.

Pop culture "coolness" is always about whatever the dregs of society are doing and then making a shit puddle deep copy off that then moving on once it hits the mainstream. The whole nerd culture thing is past it's peak and soon you will see African kids wearing those loot crate pop culture mashup shirts that they couldn't sell.

So then the ""coolness"" of pop culture, which would definitively include Game of Thrones, the Sopranos the Wire Fargo and Breaking Bad, are all what they are because of society's dregs? I just want to be clear about the relationship is between the mainstream and actual coolness.

I'm talking about personal identity coolness. Like when Lord of the rings came out it was very successful but it wasn't considered hip to be a big fan of it.

Now fast forward to today and it is very hip to say you love game of thrones. So the same people who would have called someone a loser or faggot for liking LOTR or playing RuneScape now sit on Twitter and talk about how nerdy they are for liking GoT and playing elder scrolls.

Exactly. The reasons everything changed explain the reasons everything was off at the start. Fantasy isn't inherently nerdy. It never was. It became popular when the mainstream got it out of its system to declare that it was nerdy.

No you have it backwards. It'sā€‹ not that they have declared it not nerdy it's just that they declared being a faux nerd as cool. If you look throughout modern history you will see that every single hip person identity trend started by copying the people on the Fringe of society and then dumping it once it became mainstream.

It's a good argument, but why I think you're wrong is that it's a whole entire genre. Whole entire genres being labelled inherently uncool from the start is a bigger explanation than your (quite valid btw) trend explanation.


Hey hey hey.. A Song of Ice and Fire is what the book series is called, be informed when you hate at least.

I'm proof that you can take the boy out of the white trash but you can't take the white trash out of the boy. She's my dream girl.

She doesn't look particularly racially "pure." Some Portuguese or possibly Hebraic blood pumping through those tootsies.

Also, how do I get in touch with him? Want to know if he got my list of toys.

Aren't you some kind of Scot? You could well be a diluted Norseman rape baby

My username isn't my actual surname. My real surname is one of the most Anglo-Saxon names around. But my mother's surname is a British/Norse name from county Durham (where the Vikings initially invaded the UK.)

There's no argument that some of my forbears were Norseman rapists/pillagers of Britain. It's a source of family pride and a frequent conversation topic at holiday family get-togethers.

The victim native Briton untermensch who flow through your veins, though.

I'm more like a slightly uglier but taller Jude Law with a better hairline. Not sure where that falls into your meme. Only threesome I ever had was with 2 American girls. With my above average looks and private school Hugh Grant accent, your women basically toss their pussy at us. It's like fishing with dynamite. American women are serious "go-ers." Especially towards Limeys. You guys obviously aren't doing something right.

And have relatives in the American Midwest - Ohio, Missouri and Kentucky - bit of a shithole. Certainly not as interesting or fun as where my other American relatives live - CA, TX, NY, MA. Do you live in the dull fly over states, or somewhere else? Legit question. Just out of curiosity.

Ok, Gavin.

Gavin is descendant of alcoholic Pictish slave-subjects and loves to mention their inferiority complex when moaning about the English in the modern Scottish pubs. He at least acknowledges it. Do you?

Yes. I'm a descendant of the alcoholic Englishmen who subjugated his heathen Scotch slaves. Guilty.


My dear friend, you're operating on a vaguely Anthony level delusion of KANGZ history.

No, you're right. The Celts have secretly been dominating the English WASPs in the same way that the Tunisian Kumiya clan were responsible for the Italian renaissance and the Roman Empire.

I get what you're saying. wondering whether you realize how much of the Celtic you have in he same vein that I wonder how much Anthony realizes how much of the Tunisian in himself.

I'm at least 25% Celt. Accounts for my high tolerance for booze and generally obtuse dickheadeness. Thank you, fuck you and good night.

But at least I'm not a confused, self-hating Tunisian dago like Antwan. He's not a Leonardo Da Vinci, enlightenment, Milanese wop. He's 1 gen and a short boat ride from Mohammed Atta.

lol. night

This girl is too hot for Anthony. & this girl is a trainwreck.

How is she a trainwreck?

First glance at least to me is the swastika tattoo that owns a third of her rib cage

I was being sarcastic, silly.

Perfect match for Anthony, she even got her ribs abuse proofed by putting that swastika there, he can't punch that for sure

He punches the swastika to the hide bruises.

And even worse her feet are ugly

her teeth, tattoo, her pockets are longer than her shorts, her shirt it rolled up, and she is sitting on some old fatso who probably fucks her ass to mouth

I don't get it. Does she have a cock behind that purse?

This girl is fantastic. Who is the lovely young lady?

I came just from seeing her tattoo.

I'm not quite convinced that's a real woman. It's got the Peggy Hill feet and a slightly longer than normal face for a woman. That purse is definitely hiding some sort of bulge.

Awwww......Santa is helping that nazi lady with her oranges!

This is how should be marketed

i guess there's someone for everyone

Is it wrong that I find her all the hotter cos of the swastika tattoo? Not because of the beliefs that go along with that but because it suggests she's easily led. You know it wasnt her idea

Not wrong at all, I totally agree. I'd love to bang this nazi bitch...and I'm half Jewish.

It does make it hotter, idk really, maybe it's like a confirmation that she does anal and Swallows. Also her dick size standard is low.

Not at all, she is a "good egg". I'm thinking anal on the first date with this one.

You know he wants her number.

She's very sexy in a narrow minded hateful way, I'm not a gambling man but I bet she gives the best blowjobs for miles around.

hot tbqh

Don't zoom in on that face

Take your daughter to work day in the south.

As someone of Aryan heritage it always makes me proud to see fine exemplars of the white race like these two.

That's just how Santa dresses in my town.

Her teeth look like a video game glitch

Oh people, don't you know it just means sunshine

He eats healthier than Anthony, notice the bag of nectarines.

I bet her gash smells like his ballsack after a long day of protesting the schvartza's

I'd fuck the racism right out of her. But I wouldn't put my dick near those choppers. Who is she, John Elway's daughter?

They do, nope & nice try with the hate tho.

This hentai-faggot has the nerve to criticize fantasy genre?

Those nails look like that bitch has been stuck in Buffalo Bill's well for a couple of weeks.


what an autist

Here's a real question for you.

Considering that there are tons of A-crowders (jocks/cheerleaders) who currently play console rpgs, do you think the stereotype of fantasy = nerd ever would have happened if video games were invented before rpgs were?

No. The A-crowders will always only like surface level trash and the D&D guys would still be considered weird.

Pop culture "coolness" is always about whatever the dregs of society are doing and then making a shit puddle deep copy off that then moving on once it hits the mainstream. The whole nerd culture thing is past it's peak and soon you will see African kids wearing those loot crate pop culture mashup shirts that they couldn't sell.