Reminder: It's a shame watching the dune coons murder people because they're under a disarming, PC government... but I still don't give two fucks about Europe

2  2017-06-06 by Single_Action_Army



Too busy wetting themselves over American politics to notice their country is burning.

We're all fucked. Africa's population is going to grow from 1.1 billion to 2.4 billion by 2050. They sure won't be able to feed or take care of themselves so will inevitably swarm to the land of the free which will then be run by fag millennials long after Donald is dead.

Hopefully the world ends by then or Africa is wiped out by a "stray" nuclear bomb.

Are you trying to say to go see Rich Vos live in Africa 2018?

Africa could also cleanse itself. Since birth control seems to be taboo to them then hopefully AIDS will grow into some super virus that brings screaming death within weeks of contracting it so the problem will solve itself. Imagine a continent full of resources and empty of people.