"why do all these terrorist attacks keep happening?"

55  2017-06-06 by [deleted]



Does Adidas make gimp-wear now?

For the discerning slavic furfag

two stripes fake adidas faggots

people are faggots

And yet somehow, faggots aren't people

I read this in Jim Morrison's voice.

"As he walked on down the Halllll"

These police cuts are to blame.

*police cunts

they do have some valid points but they're technique is very primivite

That Bowler Hat is quite Fetch...

wtf I love muslims now

What Ant said when he heard about Moohamad marrying 6 year old.

brb going to suicide bomb london

Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets.

like in apocalypse or something else?

just a really heavy rainstorm.


Its a quote from the film Taxi Driver, but i guess i'm referring to some sort of "apocalypse-like" situation.

Fawkin Black Hole Sun!

I fully endorse white genocide.

stop reposting content from the mde subreddit

Sorry, are you the one on the left or the right?

it's odd how similar these subs can be sometimes. They're the only places I browse on this site anymore.

This was on /pol/ first which might be more embarrassing. OP is karma whore, and karma doesn't matter.

Well Islam is pretty clear on the issue.

He first said he wanted all dogs killed but then made exceptions for dogs that are used for farming, hunting, or watching (outside). Further, he ordered that all black dogs be killed and called them "a Satan".

no one likes you

maybe we're on the wrong side of this. Islam might be the right idea