Fuck em up BOBO!!



I love that Bobo kept it PG with "a hole"

He doesn't work blue, that's for sure.

He needed da money. I'm going to take my own life tonight.

I only want to see him work blue with a plastic bag on his head.

he totally still gets in trouble for cursing

Dummy probably forgot how to spell "ass".

Blockhead town

Knock it of spade!!!

Shut up, a holes, it's Bobo time!!

Hahaha, that's me.

I also told him to get his mom some BBC to make her feel better. Didn't block me for that one.....

Lol ive been blocked by the lord of autism about 50 times

If you've been blocked by Bobo about 50 times, doesn't that make you the lord of autism?


... i mean he's acting like a real jerk


Is this retard still begging for money?

A girl born after 1990 with no social media.... is not a believable scenario.

Yeah who could believe that psychos who listened to O&A and torment her brother to this day could've made her wary about being on social media.

You don't think she received totally innocent and not at all sexualized messeges from the truckers and degenerates that listened to the show?

girls born after 1990: facebook + instagram + tumblr

I'm not a girl but I was born in the 90's and have no social media.

I'm shocked that the anime addict weirdo is male.

A lot of girls like anime and they are almost always cutie pies. This girl flicks her bean to hentai exclusively.


He's a retard, but he's OUR retard.

Retarded little cunt.

Fuck him up? Looks like Bobo just invited him over to play with his LEGO city.

Idiot doesn't know that the user can't see his clever tweet after blocking him.

I'm shocked that the anime addict weirdo is male.