6 beers, 2 shots, and a few puffs ... would ya?

5  2017-06-05 by [deleted]


Not even after one of those LTR breakups where you would fuck #ANYTHING


Found us a queer boys

Git em'!

2 shots

Depends what caliber.

Would I what? Kick it's uterus out? Yes.

too skinny

Bloom can get the peckah

yes i would. i have a strange addiction to cunty ugly bitches with tons of makeup and terrible attitudes

I heard she's actually bald irl and wears wigs.

Yep, I heard that too.

Me three! Fags

Mee-Threepio? What are you, a Star Wars creature or somethin'? tss tss

No. A mythological creature with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a horse.

The Talking Dead.

Kill myself instead? Yes

Who the fuck would want to spend nye watching this crusty wrinkled ginger?

Steve Wozniak.

No, and i have no standards.

She's rich. I'd knock that shit into next week.

Bitch look like gots the AIDS-cancer

I'd do it for the goof

I don't know much about her, but I was under the impression she looked kind of like this: https://d.ibtimes.co.uk/en/full/1442147/kathy-griffin.jpg?w=367

It's not great by any means, but not horrid either.

Turns out she looks like this: http://media.tmz.com/2017/05/30/0530-kathy-griffin-graphic-donald-trump-head-cut-off-tyler-sheilds-9.jpg

This is a funny joke and I support it 1000 times, but she does look worse than almost everyone in the world.

She actually looks like a regular old person in this pic and not so much a plastic mess

in Europe (Jim'll tell you!), a few puffs means a few gay men, so YES

not even in 1992.