Alex gett'in all fresh up in this mug.

9  2017-06-05 by sexylarrytate


Remember when Alex Jones would talk about conspiracies like 9/11?????? He spent many years constantly saying that the "New World Order" have a plan that's been in the works for ages to eventually commit mass killing and drastically reduce the Earth's population. He even called this the "endgame" and made a movie with the same title. Fastforward to now, the same guy who used to call Rudy Giuliani an evil psychopath that knew about 9/11 in advance now shill for the exact same guy. AJ spent years shoring up the "conspiracy crowd" and is truly the most famous person who talks about conspiracies so that when "they" really want to start doing the big parts of their plan (that AJ talked about non-stop right up until he started worshipping Trump) they've got all the people that would normally suspect them now on their side.

So now we have a president who obviously loves Israel and Russia. Two countries that I think most would agree are not at all opposed to false-flag attacks. There's already a lot talk amongst people who normally wouldnt talk about conspiracies that it feels like a false-flag is coming. Now that AJ can drive the narrative of the conspiracy community it's time to call anything that's anti-Trump a conspiracy instead of talking about the shit he's always talked about. A lot of people seem to be falling for this. Trump is part of an evil plan not some savior.

Not to mention AJ's going from constant warning about the incoming police state and constant criticisms of incidences of police wrongdoing to now being totally pro police and attacking people who criticize them. I'm all for supporting police in a certain way but something is up with that although it could just be him jumping on the anti-BLM bandwagon. Also his previous constant warning about the military industrial complex and support of ron paul for being non-interventionist to now supporting war-mongering and military spending. Also him always bitching that people are treating Obama like a messiah and and then him now basically worshipping Trump almost literally. Again: A lot of people seem to be falling for this. Trump is part of an evil plan not some savior.

Alex Jones raped my mother

"I'm breaking the conditioning that you don't want to have sex with me!"

I dont care about all that shizzbizz. Alex is being hilarious talking about pekah suckin and shit.

I think someone has been watching a little too much Chip Chipperson lately.

Yes. It is true. I have been saying "all up in this muuuug" too much lately.

I'm just chippin ya babe. It happens.


I didn't ready any of that. shit.

Alex Jones was a con artist the entire time. 9/11 was not an inside job.. You got played...

Calm down Hanzi.

You're expecting consistency from Alex Jones... Do you also expect innovative humor form Gregg Hughes, and straight male behavior from James Norton?

You're expecting consistency from Alex Jones... Do you also expect innovative humor form Gregg Hughes, and straight male behavior from James Norton?

Pretty much the most reasonable statement ever submitted to this sub.

What was your expectation with this?

He thinks people care about his opinion, it's adorable.

So inter-demenisonal pedophiles arent a thing? Is Andre the Giant really mad at Hulk Hogan? Just shut up and enjoy the chaos.

Haha this copypasta always brings out the "omg you take Alex Jones seriously you don't 'get it' like me mahhhhhn!"

If you dont want to hear obvious explanations then stop making obvious observations, you fucking nimrod.

I adore Alex Jones.

Marry him then, homo. He's available now

That's enough outta you!

And no pesky kids running around the house anymore


He thinks people care about his opinion, it's adorable.