SPECULATE: Would Ant be better off if he had settled down with Jill?

13  2017-06-05 by ManiacalChrisBenoit

I'm a faggot.


No and Yes. In that order.

It was never going to work. He seemed to be dating her because everyone told him he should. She expected him to grow up and go places with her instead of playing video games for 10 hours a day. And he was never going to tolerate that.

Honesty I can't blame him.

Very Simple. She wanted a kid, he doesn't...

... well not in the same way.

settle down with Jill and deny his true feelings ? he would go to his death longing for young sue

If Jill got a penis, he'd be in hog heaven.

But there are no hogs in his heaven, for that is a sinful meat to him.

She'd be walking away with a nice chunk of change by now.

unless shes got a cock its not going to work

The most stable years of Ant's life were when he had a mediocre chick keeping tabs on him right up until he dumped her to fuck mediocre casino waitresses.

Anthony has a strong resemblance to Charlie from Alway Sunny

I don't think you've ever watched one minute of that show.

Wait a second here...
Both are trash who think astonishingly highly of themselves Both have their lives ruined by a bimbo (4 at best) waitress. Both have a shitty group of trailer trash friends, whose proclivities could be interchanged with that of the Negro race. Both have a hard on for alcohol, and make utter fools of themselves on the sauce Lastly, They both have a facade that everything is going swell externally, when deep down their souls are more decrepit than Meryl Streeps Ovaries.

This is probably TMI, but that episode of O&A where Ant was just shitting all over Jill Nicolini kinda convinced me to get my fucking act together.

Just listening to that smug asshole on the radio, acting like he can 'pull' pussy day and night, reminded of the smug shithead that I'd become.

It's fun to be a degenerate sex addict when you're 25 or 30, but if you're still doing it when you're 50, you're going to end up like Michael Hutchence or Keith Carradine.

Aging isn't dignified. Ant, who has hairplugs and fake teeth, almost certainly uses dick pills, and has had multiple exes complain about how boring he is sexually, had to shit on Nicolini for aging problems.

she also had a runny asshole

That just makes the peckah slide in easier!

You too had a million dollar fortune and a mansion I'm assuming?

My home is about $950K, just shy of a million.

But I have three, so there's that.

With your gold plated camera?

I'll send my manservant to do it

Ever heard of a thing called debt? People in expensive houses just has more of it. They're as broke as you at the end of the month

After hearing how hot they always said she was on air, I only looked her up recently and... Eh. Norton should be beaten with a maglite for referring to her as an "eleven".

I know. She looks like some mediocre woman who's friends with Carmella on The Sopranos

For as Ugly as Ant is though, she pretty much is an 11.

In my estimation, his best shot was with Melinda (Lobster Girl). She is a decent looking girl, who was a decent bit younger than Anthony, but not embarrassingly so. She also had a mellow personality, and seemed to genuinely like him, really didn't seem to want a "famous" life style.

Sure he had to buy her mom teeth, and patch up a trailer or two, but compared to the grief that happened with some of these other girls, it was a small thing.

But Tony's got to play cocksman.

When she left him that was the beginning of the end. I'm pretty sure she started dating a black gentleman and it began Anthony's obsession. Now he's a full blown size queen.


After much deliberation, considering all the variables carefully, I came to a confident conclusion: yes, you are a faggot.

That's what I said, sir.

His laundromat would have made out like a bandit over the last decade+.

Ant would've been better off if he had been put down.

We would all be better if he had been.
