Women of the Compound

20  2017-06-05 by unclepaul84


Fun fact: Ant insists on mutilating their genitals personally.

via biting

One of the greatest "fun facts" I've ever read.

Does he bite those off too?

those gals are empowered AND stylish

You forgot brave. The hussy in blue is flirting with death; I can almost see her right ankle.


A man of faith. He follows closely in each and every of The Prophet's footsteps, he lives the divine example. It's despicable the way this man of faith has been painted by the Islamophobes over at Sirius.

Such seductive young vixens! Alas, The Prophet (peace be upon him) commands that we not take the virginity of our brides before they reach the ripe age of nine. Praise Allah for thighing!

As much as I laughed when I saw this, it really is sad that girls have to grow up like this because in a few short years they will start to be treated like property or garbage or slaves in many coubtries around the world. And fuck Disney, do they change the ending of the fairy tales in those places to conform to local or Sharia law?