OPINION REMINDER: the "walk over" was the corniest, most forced, bit in the history of Opie and Anthony.

25  2017-06-05 by Dannyprecise




Everyday Jim "that ladies hat is enraging, I wanna remove it with a shotgun"

Jim is enraged as frequently as the white left is literally shaking.


you see what you did?

An incredible bomb, sir. Well done.

and opie bragged about coming up with it

It spawned a few OK bits.

  • Nigga vs Nazi

  • Coffee Shop Comedy w/Rich Vos

  • Cake Stomp

  • Honcho Magazine

But overall, a lot more misses than hits.

Don't forget "HOW'S THAT FEEL FUCKER?"

And Vos' Starbucks Comedy Tour. Also Jimmy's birthday was pretty fun where he was carted around on a rickshaw (I forget what other ways they humiliated him but I remember liking it.)

Yeah, that incident was got Ben fired. He spit on the guy.

Cake Stomp

The what?

It spawned a few OK bits.

But overall, a lot more misses than hits.

The exact same thing can be said for the O&A show as a whole. 20 to 25 hours a week, most of those hours (65% - 85%) are going to be either meh or bad.

Personally I liked it. I liked that it got the city into your speakers. Studios in general are pretty boring settings. I liked the activity the street added.

Line of the day, from that same era, was also terrible. Self-aggrandizing, and brought the show to a halt after a good line ("DAT'S IT, dats line of da day!) And they used to have to give Opie pity lines as well.

The only thing I liked about that bit was Jimmy's musical intro.


I thought that was Ant for some reason

It sounds like Ant to me.

Yeah I think it is Ant, dunno what these faots are on about

It was Jim.

Sounded more like Ant to me, I can't find a clip of it though

It's definitely ant

On non Jim shows, like patrice eps etc, when that line of the day audio came through, they mentioned several times "oh Jim's on the show" or something to that effect.

So? The "here comes line of the day" thing is ant. Doesn't matter how many times you say it's Jim, it's not.

It's erock

So why would they say 'oh Jimmy got to say something this show after all' when its played? It makes no sense if its Ant, and when has he ever been as whimsical to do sing song-y clip voices? It seems far more Jim-like to do. faggot

Oh, so because you vaguely remember somebody saying something once about how somebody said something about how somebody said something once about how it was Jim, that makes it true?

Listen to it. It's not a musical number. It would be a one-take deal. It's not Sinatra doing "My Way" over and over to the point of there being "outtakes".

"Here comes line of the day...line of the day." Woooah, maaaan! Must've been Stravinsky who wrote that genius tune! And he must've got Edith Piaf to do ten thousand takes before they nailed it, maaaan!

I enjoyed Line of the Day. got to hear shit u missed

I liked it better than the "What have we learned?" bit.

Was that with the sped up Super mario music playing?? Brutal!

The Super Mario theme was automatic;

it basically told the hosts that they were about to be cut off

It often went long and was a way for the b-b-b-boys to pad until the end of the show. At some point they added the Super Mario Brothers' "time is running out" theme to the show and this bit would nearly always trigger it.

The FU line deserves its own thread it sucked so bad. Never liked that at the time. Real hack shit

Agreed, it was so damn long too

Just like my FAWKIN peckah dvv dvv dvv

Lined of the day ruled. You could tell it made Opie insecure.

"Oh, I got one today"

I feel like I remember that entire era he had maybe 3-4 lines that actually made me laugh.

That was a great bit, and a far smarter alternative to just playing a song or commercials during that period. On a normal day they would insult fat ladies. What have you got against that?

I agree, although it was fully of many swings and misses the walkover was still a nice change of pace.

I remember they had Vos do standup in a starbucks once on the walkover, and he killed.

He did that a few times actually. It was great. Vos' willingness to do anything for money and a plug has lead to many classic moments.

I remember that show, he only did like three minutes and it was great.

I loved the walkover. I wish they did entire shows just walking around the city sometimes, it was spontaneous and weird. It was my favorite part of that weird 1/2 & 1/2 era.

Who can forget this walk over highlight...


It was a good concept, but usually didn't get them anything funny. It was better than XM playing the same George Carlin clips every day.

The Opie outraged his smoothie or soup wasn't awaiting him upon arrival was the most annoying part about the split shows.

"Why aren t the mics working???? This place needs us"


"HOLD ON, HOLD ON, HOLD ON. Jake322 on instant feedback just said, 'stop complaining about management.' WELL JAKE322! You FAWKIN idiot! We're TRYING to do a fawkin show, but we can't do a fawkin show if the phones don't fawkin work! Fawkin idiot!"

why did Opie rely on the phones and callers so much?
Ant never took a call on NOpie shows. so it's not like they were intregal.

I think they got pressure from management to do it. Ant would stress that he had to take calls when Opie was gone and that he always forgot to.

WOW was the hackest.

The O&A Army that they pretended they never had, and pretended it was only ever "the pests" (with a lower case p because we don't sweat them brothamannn)

Opie tried to force a bit where he wanted to shit in a tiny cup.


The longer we look back at OnA it makes me wonder how much was really that good. There was just so much unfunny from Opie

The best era was after all the fame was gone and they were forced into a shitty 5x5 studio in the corner.

Not going to lie...I did like when Sam went around to all of the other employees and told them how many TVs they had.

I dont know, remember that one time they attempted to do cherry darts and had to stack the field with strippers to make it look like they had contestants? I think the price was a bejeweled steven singer generation 1 ipad.

It's something that only works live. The YouTube generation and limeys don't get it.


Well, you try and make a daily walk from the Krock studio to XM interesting enough for radio. Especially when it's touted as a daily 'highlight'.

If it was easy, three hundred thousand other people who walk that route daily could have a radio show.

Well don't make a fucking radio show while doing that walk.

It's like that time Opie had the brilliant idea of broadcasting Anthony's commute home cause, you know, Anthony says mean things to people not like him (but that are exactly like him). Luckily, this never panned out.

Agreed, it's a live show, they had to broadcast SOMETHING

The alternative was commercials, dead air or canned material

Side note, I think that was the year that they all gave up. For a minute there it looked like they might give Howard a run for his money, but after that year they were never the same.

Who was going to stay tuned for 15 minutes to make the transition if it wasn't live?

What other show in the history of ever has had to walk from one fully equipped broadcast studio to another fully equipped broadcast studio five blocks up the road? Or did 3 hour terrestrial radio show followed by 2 hours of satellite radio? 25 hours a week is a lot of content.

And yes, they were on the precipice (as they say) and then the bottom dropped out. They could have given Howard a run, and that's exactly why there was such a backlash to Sex for Sam, and exactly why Mel Karmazin paid them to sit on the bench for 2 years at 3 mil/year each. It was worth the hit to protect Hoo Hoo. They never recovered.


Someone really needs to teach you animals how to use commas properly.

The commas separate a phrase where if they were removed, the sentence would still make sense. Fuck face.

When you only have two modifiers before a noun, you only need a comma after the first modifier. You wouldn't write this, "was the most forced, bit in the history of Opie and Anthony," would you?

Me: you really wanna do this? Ok, let's do this.

I knew I was right when I made my first post, and I still know I'm right after looking up the rule to confirm it.

la dolce vita

The commas separate a phrase where, if they were removed, the sentence would still make sense


Wasn't a bit you idiot. Was the only way they could swing being on fm and xm

It was a bit. How do I know? They stopped broadcasting the walk over after they realized it rarely went anywhere. They would say bye and then 15 minutes later, they'd be on XM. Cumquot.

Lots of stuff changed, including the walkover when SiriusXM realized they were the only show in the old massive XM studio and moved them to the current studio with the rest of the Sirius shows.

Also they were dropped from terrestrial around that time so there was really no need.

Jesus, that seems like decades ago.

Listening live during that era was fawkin brutal.

Honestly a lot of that era that people say is 'the best' hasn't aged well at all. I think the 'worst' and most recent era of the o&a show was the best format for sure.

Obviously certain shows and moments from old shows are great though.

The whole concept of talking j to microphones is corny as hell.

The walk-over gave us a moment that has forever cemented my hatred of Gregg Opie Hughes.



This turned out to be a good thread! Old bits discussed(good or bad), some reminiscing, and a car crash worthy bomb early up in the comments.

The only thing good about any of the bits Opie introduced was Ant and Jimmy saving it.

Jim is enraged as frequently as the white left is literally shaking.