Bennington's Opinion of What Is Good In Comedy Blows

33  2017-06-05 by BillyBats33

Let me rephrase that, if you go on his show and are nice to him or have been a long time friend, he and Gail will praise anything you do regardless of its quality. Some examples of things he and Gail found hilarious:

  1. Amy Schumer's Stand-Up Special
  2. Snatched
  3. Ghostbusters
  4. Saying the next big comedy star to break out nationally ala Amy will be Norton. I almost spit up my coffee with that lie. 5, Bobby Kelly's career

I still think Ron can be funny as shit and his show is always good for a few great lines. But anytime he gives his opinion on what is breakout or hilarious, odds are they are friends or they were on the show. Or paul Feig.


ron is hilarious and quick like ant or Jim but he is also a hypocrite and idiot like ant or Jim

The Bennington show has gone to shit.

Gail's non stop giggling. Retarded producers Vito and Jenn. Old as dirt music guests that absolutely no one cares about.

That suggests the Bennington show was ever good. The day that Ron and Fez moved to RawDog was the dying words of what was once great.

Unscreened phonecalls, what's in the box, Jeffrey whatever the fuck his name is, hour long unheard of comedian interviews, endless Shelby bashing, bits that were an obvious work (cakehorn, steak and shake day etc). Absolute shite.

The Bennington we knew as a comedy host is gone. And there ain't nothing we can do about it...

I'm pretty sure the cakehorn thing wasn't fake..

He mistakenly said "cakehorn" once and they jumped on it. The faux outrage for the following hour is undeniably a work. Listen to it again.

By far the worst was the yearly promotional tie-ins with Tito's Vodka. How do you live your life like Tito or whatever that bullshit was that would take an hour out of the show.

Yes! That and the fucking Comedians and football league thing. Fucking atrocious.

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There's a wyndham

Why not a breezebacon ya suckin fockcucka

oh chip!

Oh God. Going through each and every comedian's pick.

You're the best around. No one's ever gonna keep you down.

and its not even hand crafted!

Nothing like getting your alcohol advice from a 20y sober radio host.

undeniably a work.

I want to scald you with acid for calling something "a work".

Well since that's obviously not going to be a possibility, why don't you just continue to tongue your mothers cunt instead.

The day that Ron and Fez moved to RawDog was the dying words of what was once great.

what? you didn't like when they changed their opening song back to ICP?

No. I, and the rest of humanity, did not.

It sucks because Ron is still funny. He was part of a stupid "debate" bit on a recent legion of skanks with a bunch of comedians and he was by far the best part of it. Pepper dicks was also entertaining.

There's only one host who offers harsh, honest criticism for all of the above, and that's Red Bar.

But he's an unfunny sociopath and a fag.

He also lacks the talent of all the above.

Yeah, if you want harsh, honest criticism about another man's outfit

From a guy who wears pre-ripped jeans no less.

He has the right spirit, but pretty much lacks everything else

Entertainment business = carnie$ and rube$

You forgot the ((( )))

I didn't forget it, it was in my head the second the post was. I just choose not to partake in your retarded faggotry, is all.

I'm fairly certain they try to put over whoever RawDawg Comedy is promoting. But also, Gail stinks.

I'd give her a smooch

I hope you smooch the oil pan of an out of control taxi.

this is the correct answer. Ron likes his comfortable gig not worrying about Arbitron and fearing about moving to DC. He's the definition of a company man as a result.

He'll never admit it, but its clear he just wants to make sure he has health benefits and a decent paycheck for the next 5-6 years. Try to ride it out until everyone is laid off due to free podcasts spoiling their fun.

He has said he fully planned to retire with Fez. But SiriusXM gave him a raise and hired his deadbeat daughter. Pretty sweet deal for him.

They apparently both took big salary decrease when they went to Raw Dog. I guess is probably the lowest rung on the ladder at SXM.

yeah ron doesn't care as long as the paychecks keep coming, the beginning of the end was when he praised the (nice-version) Lisa Lampenelli special like she was the next Pryor....

Didn't her Unmasked take place during her motivational speaker phase? Great timing.

Man, I'm still mad over him dick sucking allie wong so hard.

He talked it up like it was one of the best specials of all time. I still had some respect for him at that point so I watched it. It was completely standard undercooked netflix standup. "look at my belly, i'm asian as hell" zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

You're a fool if you belive anything that Ron says into a microphone is truthful. Shame on you.

ron is friends with paul fieg, director of ghostbusters, and a producer on snatched

he's done an unmasked with schumer

he doesn't burn bridges right now

You either die the hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

There is no way anyone is still listening, outside of the 100 or so hardcore Ronnie fans and struggling New York comedians. "Hey, today on the show we have (insert persons name you have never heard of)... he is the FUNNIEST person I have ever met. But first, lets make fun of Chris for 2 hours."

Seriously you're 100 percent right. Nobody listens to that show, I've never met a single person who isn't an open mic Comic that's even heard of that show or Ronnie B. His level of fame is off putting.

I used to love Ronnie B, but the last 2 years and addition of Gail has just put me off. I imagine its guilt for being an absentee father for her youth.

Probably the guilt stemming from the confirmed drugging and probable rape of Gail.

I listen to that show. It is better than Jim and Sam, Opie and lackeys, or pedo and the screen. I need new content. We're all sitting around here acting like it's the 1880's and a free market is still a thing.

He's also said Sherrod is hysterical multiple times...... Ron is a cunt now

Maybe he meant hysterical in the Olde english manner: to be a fat tongued idiot.

I just looked up "hysterical", and that's not what it means at all.

Word Origin and History for hysterical

1610s, from Latin hystericus "of the womb," from Greek hysterikos "of the womb, suffering in the womb," from hystera "womb" (see uterus ). Originally defined as a neurotic condition peculiar to women and thought to be caused by a dysfunction of the uterus. Meaning "very funny" (by 1939) is from the notion of uncontrollable fits of laughter. Related: Hysterically.


ruins the joke guy

yes, correct. "Methinks yon Ethiope is hysterical."

He always was, I don't understand why this fucking subreddit has defended that fat lump of shit.

Fez was the real powerhouse on that show, Bennington couldn't survive without him.

His interviews are overrated too.

Is that true?! If it is Ronnie can absolutely go fuck himself then. Fat tongued shit bag "Minilla" Sherrod is incomprehensibly talentless. Vomitus.

Didn't Vic Henley do his show too?

Ron was able to make Vic entertaining, I was amazed.

Really? Did they not talk 70s rock trivia for 2 hours straight?

"entertaining" as in, "slighty more entertaining than listening to the wind".

Do you happen to have a date for this show?

He's a fat old washed up fuck and he knows it. He keeps good income by kissing ass and making connections, and he's trying to get his daughter "in", so that she's set up after he walks away.

There's no shame in that, as, unlike Opie, he's seen the amount of $ a real job brings in. I would suck on Amy Schumer's wilted cunt too if it meant getting her in a few times, which is really impressive to the bosses at XM, since she was "chosen" to be the next big thing.

he's gone hollywood

he was always a fag though

Ron taught me that Allie Wong has one of the greatest comedy specials of all time.

Whatever she wore during it, I would expect that to be the next big fashion trend, like Eddie Murphy's red leather jumpsuit from Delirious.

Ron and Fez used to be the most unique show on radio. Around the time when OnA were still industry mavericks. Everyone climbed into Ron's ass about what a brilliant interviewer he was, Fez fell apart as an on-air personality, and Ron's daughter needed a career. It's best to just pretend that Ron doesn't exist anymore, even though he can presumably still be an engaging host from time to time. You're not going to get much honest discourse about anything from him when his primary concern is propping up his daughter's undeserved career while not jeopardizing the relationships he has within his interview matrix. I hear him on podcasts here and there, and the hosts talk up him up as if his greatness from ten years ago carried over to the present; I gotta be honest, he's not unfunny or uninteresting, but the spark from that era feels roughly as extinguished as that of this sub's namesake.

time to get out of bed and take stimulants, thanks.

Bennington blows.

His show isn't funny.

I only listed a handful of times though.

I really never understood when people would talk about how great he is.

Bennington is a complete faggot loser and he's not funny or smart. ENOUGH WITH THIS ZERO.

isnt everyone in the room supposed to go along with his opinion?

Mr B. once discussed how Sunny sucks. I don't know how one could say that.

For Ron being so cool he does like some corny ass main stream shit.

Has he exalted Andy Kindler yet? Will ANY name comic/entertainer fess up to not liking that guy? (aside from Ant)


Louis GAY Gomez, motherfucker.


That suggests the Bennington show was ever good. The day that Ron and Fez moved to RawDog was the dying words of what was once great.

Unscreened phonecalls, what's in the box, Jeffrey whatever the fuck his name is, hour long unheard of comedian interviews, endless Shelby bashing, bits that were an obvious work (cakehorn, steak and shake day etc). Absolute shite.

The Bennington we knew as a comedy host is gone. And there ain't nothing we can do about it...

I'm pretty sure the cakehorn thing wasn't fake..

It sucks because Ron is still funny. He was part of a stupid "debate" bit on a recent legion of skanks with a bunch of comedians and he was by far the best part of it. Pepper dicks was also entertaining.

Well since that's obviously not going to be a possibility, why don't you just continue to tongue your mothers cunt instead.

The day that Ron and Fez moved to RawDog was the dying words of what was once great.

what? you didn't like when they changed their opening song back to ICP?