Where's this sub at with the ISLAM?

1  2017-06-04 by TangerineReam

Joe Rogan referenced this clip from an old O&A appearance of George Carlin: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x2aHwvRSAzY&ab_channel=thetruewaytoislam

One bombing in Manchester and 3 suicide belt cunts on a London bridge. Instead of saying "Let's go after (or at least have a serious talk about) Islam"...Prime Minster Theresa May blames the un-regulation of the internet: http://money.cnn.com/2017/06/04/technology/social-media-terrorism-extremism-london/index.html

The lack of serious conversations about Islam is going to be our undoing. Here in the US; the majority of "Moderate Muslims" (such as it is) probably belongs to us, but who knows how that'll take shape when people like Warren or whomever get in the White House. More than likely, they'll probably abolish any sort of vetting against any Muslim group/family/etc from the East.

Regardless; the US may not crumble as the UK and France has, or like Canada is going to. We can still try to protect and encourage "moderate muslims" who want to be active members and supporters of Democracy, but how long until even THEY turn? Do they have the capacity to engage in the same sort of violence as the rest of the faith? Do they privately align their own personal approval of the attacks?



I'm beginning to believe that some of these people do not much care for our values or way of life.

She actually did say there has to be 'a talk' about islam as well as the internet stuff and harsher sentences for people on terror offences.

US is fucked. It only takes one to take out 50 like in Orlando.

I'm saying as far as being a ruling ideology, as in Sharia Law

I don't really understand why anyone with even moderate intelligence would criticize islam, the real enemies are blatantly obvious - it's western police, politicians, journalists, and academics (and jews obviously).

The people organizing, defending and profiting from these mass migrations belong to one religion, and its not Islam.

Muslims. Are. Not. Gud.

there's reasons for everything, and they usually relate to the goals of the Frankfurt school

the Muslim immagration 'crisis' can lead to many good things:

  • creating laws against racism

  • destruction of national identity

  • dependancy of state thru welfare among others

  • total control and dumb down media who can't report honestly

and eventually once islam is majority they'll work their way at destroying the value of it's religion and breakdown of strong family ties.

It'll be interesting to see how much of this will come true

TL;DR Judaism strikes again.

I've worked in muslim countries (Morocco, Algeria, Bosnia, Azerbaijan) and as a straight male I can say that if they took over in the west my lifestyle would almost not change at all. I'd have to cut back on my drinking, but they sure smoke a lot of pot, so I guess if my arm was twisted I could switch to that. That's pretty much it. Even in more rural parts of North Africa people didn't take Islam very seriously even if they identified as muslims.

However, women/feminists, progressives and homosexuals would be totally screwed. Literally and figuratively. They're the ones who seem to want to bring them over, yet they're the ones whom would suffer. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, but I'm not in the demographic that would get thrown off a building, so fuck it.

It's not the worth the "I told you so" moment against the feminists when Islam takes over

I guess I just have a really hard time understanding why someone who would suffer immensely under such a regime would be so welcoming of it. I'd suggest that people on both sides of the debate should actually visit these countries and spend some time with locals. It would probably relax people on the right side of the spectrum a bit to see that not a whole lot would change for them, and terrify those on the left to the point where they would bitch a little less when they got back home.

But at the end of the day I think it's pretty unrealistic that Islam is going to get much of a foothold in North America. Europe is fucked to be sure, but unless things change drastically the hypothetical is unlikely to become a reality.

Morocco , is way more secular than the rest of North Africa and the Middle East, and Bosnia is a European country, its the ones coming from Libya, Egypt , Syria, and Saudi Arabia causing the problems...

I hear Europeans bitching just as much about Algerian and Moroccan economic migrants. Metropolitan areas of Morocco are fairly secular, rural areas aren't really. While federal law may offer support to women's rights groups in Casablanca and Marrakech they don't have much power in the villages. A lot of people I worked with also worked in Saudi Arabia and Libya and said there wasn't much difference for them there either, aside from the whole alcohol thing. You could definitly find alcohol, but it was expensive and a bit risky to get caught with. If I were female or gay though, I sure as fuck wouldn't want to live in rural Morocco or Algeria.

In any event, a rise in Islam in the United States isn't going to bring about full blown sharia law. Even in the worst case I'd imagine it being closer to how it was in Bosnia, where most people identified as muslim but nobody really gave a shit one way or another.

syria is in ruins because obama/clinton chose to fund radical sunni rebel groups emboldened to topple assad (shia) rather than supporting the country's democratically elected leader. we have drawn a distinction between isis and those fighting the injustices perpetrated by the syrian government when there is 0 difference between the two groups - both are extremist in rhetoric and motive. this conflict would likely have run its course absent the initial american intervention. now our shores are teeming with refugees which fucking sucks but how can we possibly ignore our complicity

They can't come here

They smell worse than Sherrods.