Al Madrigal: Shrimpin' Ain't Easy

11  2017-06-04 by LDChip

... Neither is stand up comedy, Al.

I heard this talentless "tough guy" on Rogan and thought he was a dick. Then heard Steve-O on Rogan and solidified my thought that Al is simply an asshole.

Assholes can sometimes be the funniest people, so last night I was bored and watched Shrimpin' Ain't Easy....

Didn't even chuckle once. Just unfunny. I thought from the title that there would at least be a good story at the end about stealing a shrimp boat or something..... Nope! Al was mad at his kid's school for some reason, so he stole some shrimp from the store and hid the shrimp around the school!

WHAT A BADASS! Those are going to smell bad on Monday! And whoever he was mad at in the school, it probably wasn't the janitor that has to clean that shit up.

Al, if stand up comedy is your "life's calling" or whatever, so Steve-O shouldn't be doing it..... Then your entire life is a failure. Do everyone a favor and take a long walk off a short pier.


Like I said before, Steve O is awful, but comics like Al just seem jealous of him. Steve O was high on PCP fucking hot co-eds on college tours when Wild Boys was huge while they were sitting around the Comedy Store being miserable talking about "the art." Steve O isn't pretentious, he's just trying to tell jokes because he's tired of hurting himself. He's awful, but not a self important faggot.

Steve-O comes off more genuine here.

steve O is barely a comedian, yet he's twice the talent of anyone from the daily show

I can't stand Al, but he was actually good on The Daily Show

You dingongs are trippen.