Reminder to the Brits here: shouldn't you be praying to Mecca right now?

51  2017-06-04 by cbanks420lol


Make sure to remove your shoes before stepping into the mosque, or your might get your fucking feet chopped off

London's mayor says nothing too worry about and Theresa May talks about regulating "hate speech" on the internet. I use to joke about it but England you all are straight cucks, seriously I count my ammo every night thanking the universe my ancestors got the fuck out of there and massacred the redskins guess we took the balls with us.

The mayor didn't really say that and May's comments have more to do with the government accessing people's data for security reasons, like the NSA in the US.

The shitskin said "Part of parcel for living in a big city" what the fuck more do you need. Yeah letting the NSA run wild is a great idea, really prevented San Bernardino, Orlando Pulse Night Club attack, Chattanooga and Fort Hood massacres.

I'm not endorsing either idea, especially the erosions of civil liberties that this spying leads to.

And I thought you were referring to Kahn's statements today, which have been manipulated and presented dishonestly. My mistake.

I'm not even going to address that complacent idiot Kahn he's part responsible for this tragedy. Yes the NSA( MI6 whatever you all got there) coming down on "hate speech" is not the solution plus they already have Gestapo like censorship laws and it didn't do shit.

Lol, shut the fuck up you Fox news spouting dullard.

just because someone doesn't agree with your stupid cucked opinion doesn't mean they watch Fox News dumb shit.

This is why the left sucks more than the right, at least right now. At least the right has real complaints and insults. The left is stuck in 2007.

The full extent of the liberal media apparatus has never been more apparent than today, but Faux News, man.

Dont bother dude.

You're still more likely to be killed by a cop than a terrorist in the USA. You're a bunch of cowards.

You have to take into account risk factors. Most people shot by cops are involved in some sort of criminal altercation, so regular people have a near zero chance of being shot by police since they aren't committing crimes or fighting police. How many people are shot randomly by a police officer with zero provocation? A handful at most per year.

You're absolutely right. A handful of people a year. Still more than terrorism.

Look at the statistics you fucking pussy.

i've looked at this type of stuff before, and i also agree that a life is worth less than 50k in the collateral stance. I'm pretty sure i have no argument with you

Great risk factor of getting crashed into by a drunk driver then.

Let's not bring Anthony into this discussion.

We're not niggers.

You seem to behave like them.

The thing that people don't seem to understand is that ISIS is basically a new version of the mafia.

If you're in Prague and someone offers to sell you coke, it'll be a Muslim

If you're in Rome and you see a prostitute, her pimp will be a Muslim

This is the same drug war we've had for forty years, the difference this time around is that some enterprising Muslims figured out that they could sell drugs and whores under our noses by cloaking the entire thing in religion.

And the good dental hygiene

I am too busy sipping my champagne supernova right now to pray.


Worst song evah

I'm sick of my country being such pussies. We should just start sending armed units into mosques that are know for spreading extremist ideals. Fucking shit can a few on our on soil and see if it doesn't help.

Forgot to add, "but what do I know? I'm just an average Joe"

I would have but Sundays belong to the Lord unless we've fallen to the God damn communists when I wasn't lookin'.

Also, in England we call it a lunch "box".

We still call it coffee. It's just one of the many things that stains our teeth

Mate, I'm just bloody havin a wank bruv

In America, lunch "boxes" are for children and usually have Spiderman on them.

Hey now, caffeine is forbidden by the one true prophet there buddy. I don't need no sustenance but Allah, me I just grab my prayer rug and my ceremonial clitoris removal blade and it's off to work I go.

The ear-blasting calls to prayer over huge loudspeakers every day is possibly the most annoying cultural bullshit ever.

It's done to display their power and to point out your timidness. Like when goatfuckers are praying on the streets in France. They have plenty of room in mosques, but they want to show their dominance. And they are winning.

Hell yeah!!! They should do what America did. Invade the entire Middle East. Get 100s of thousands of America soldiers either killed in action, injured, fucked up in the head for life, commit suicide, or hooked on drugs. Plus 100s of thousands of innocent civilians killed. That is the way you solve the problem of terrorism. There is no more terrorism now, right? We fixed it all...

i'm not saying that at all. that's why there are so many refugees in the first place. Btw im pretty sure Britain was involved in both of those invasions. Stop un-vetted immigrants coming into the country in indefinitely would be a great start.

dude, the Taliban nearly eradicated the worldwide Heroin trade, if you think the CIA was going to put up with that shit you got another thing coming:

Less than six months before 9/11, the Taliban nearly eradicated heroin worldwide.

I find it highly unlikely that we invaded Afghanistan due to the worldwide heroin trade. So are you claiming that 9/11 was an inside job, and the motive was the heroin trade? I've never heard that theory before.

There was fuckery afoot before 9/11 happened.

For instance, the Taliban's primary foe was assassinated the day before.

Here's an article from 9/10/2001:

It says he wasn't hurt, but he was already dead. That was another part of the fuckery, his assassination was covered up initially.

Note: I am not saying that I know what happened on 9/11, just saying that there was a lot of fuckery afoot in Afghanistan prior to 9/11, and much of it involved the heroin trade. (Heroin deaths in the US have quadrupled since 9/11)

Yeah, the heroin deaths are a negative side effect of the war. And they absolutely are looking the other way. But it's a pretty big jump to say all of this was set up because of the heroin trade. I remember a few years ago, they discovered a shit load of valuable minerals in Afghanistan. And everybody was claiming that was the reason we invaded them. I find it very far fetched to believe that the reason we went into Afghanistan was heroin.

America rules.

I got one word,FIRE

You American faggots should sort the nigger/spic problems out in your own shit hole first. Half your country's filled with buck tooth hicks whilst the other half are shooting each other for space on a corner. You have a cultural problem so big you elected a guy to build a fucking wall. Chicago might aswell be Kabul. Most of california is filled with either Mexican thugs or Antifa queers. The south has a collective IQ of fourteen. Your country is hardly a beacon of light.

key phrase shooting each other

Hello, Ian.

oh cool another fake, nice try

Well, quite. No more interveneous heroin for you, Miss McGrath.

:/ you know i need it for my back

Oh, Ian. I can't quit you.

Knicks is back baby! i was worried man, had a breakdown

The good old Phil Anselmo excuse.

Because that's somehow better.

It's just banter, m8. Calm down!

As a compromise we agreed that we'll pray to Newham instead.

My compass broke habibi

Hello, Ian.

oh cool another fake, nice try

Because that's somehow better.