Who are bigger pussies the french or British

42  2017-06-04 by pta11

How good would it be to be a muslim in one of those countries you can basicly do whatever you want and noone can say anything because their too scared to be call a racist lol fucking fags you even elected a muslim mayor


England for their belief that if they just ignore them and sing Oasis songs they'll get bored and stop. At least the French get a tiny bit angry.

at least England voted to get out of the EU.

the French voted for a guy that said we should get used to terrorist attacks.

plus most of the people here are from the UK. the last time the french weren't a shitty country a guy named louie was running things

I not British but I would like to point out that American college campuses are now run by minorities and fat purple haired feminist freaks..

I can guarentee you but if america was going through what france and england were going through and the government wasnt protecting us the people would go into those neighbourhoods and start fuckin playing target practice with the sand niggers

Like what you are doing with the "black lives matter" organisation? Okay...

the niggers riot in their own neighbourhoods

Then they get mad when McDonald's doesn't want to rebuild their Ferguson restaurant.

BLM just riot in their own neighborhoods and nobody gives a shit.

They kill each other far more efficiently than we can.

Why waste bullets?

Black neighbourhoods in America are far more dangerous than Muslims neighbourhoods in the UK and France. Chicago alone last year had more murders than all of the UK.

Black neighborhoods are at least contained. It's mostly black on black killing, and in Chicago, it's really just the south side that has those sorts of issues.

The problem that you guys have is that Muslims want to kill you all specifically, they want to kill the evil infidels that reject their prophet.


"Contained", meaning, black criminals generally don't leave their own cities, or even the tiny areas inside the cities that they come from.

I've met people in Baltimore that have literally never left the city in their entire lives.

In Detroit, we have such bad public transportation that the real inner city crumb creeps can't leave their neighborhoods. That's a blessing for us suburbanites.

Maybe because Lower economic class and criminal Muslims is a non issue in America?

maybe, bobby baby

And nobody goes in them so nobody gives a shit.

overall the amount of whites that have been murdered in the US has been lower than the amounts of whites that have been murdered in Europe since like forever.

From 2001-2015, roughly 6,500 white people on average were murdered every year in the US..

That's more way more murders than UK, Spain, Germany and France have with a similar white population.

Why leave out the rest of Europe?

I used those four countries because they have a similar population but any Western European country could be used for comparison. I don't see why the likes Russia, Ukraine and Turkey should be included, it would be like grouping Mexico in with Canada and the US even though it's a much poorer country.

No, it would actually bring it closer to an even overall population number. But who's really counting, right?

There's around 225 million white people in the countries I named in Europe, there's 245 million in the US. What's the problem?

The problem is that you don't know what the fuck you're talking about and you're on here writing like you have a doctorate in sociology. The US population is 326,474,013, dipshit.

White population you dumb cunt. The comment I responded to said that white people are more likely to be killed in Europe than the US.

So only white people kill white people you stupid faggot? White people don't live in segregated areas you DV brigading cunt face.

Wow, you're fucking stupid. No nobody is saying that dummy.

Your fake ass stats don't work you stupid cunt just admit it and move on. Also, try to stop going back and editing your comments every time I make a fool out of you. I know it's hard but take the hit you silly cunt.

You really are a stupid cunt. What have I said that you disagree with? I don't even know.

which have with a similar white population.

Nope. Wrong again faggot

There are around 70 million white people in Germany, 55 million in UK, 50 million in France and 45 million in Spain. Combined that's about the same as the US. All those countries combined have less murders (by all races) than the amount of white Americans who are being murdered each year. Faggot.

if you stay out of those neighborhoods you're fine. If ou stay out of Muslims neighborhoods they go to yours

I'd say we've completely lost the American spirit if we are looking to the government to protect us like a bunch of feeble children. I think we are already there unfortunately.

You're right...if there were 3 terrorist attacks in the last 3 months in the name of allah heads would be fucking rolling.

Yes, and Student Unions in the UK are full of manly men and women who know their place.

so we're both as bad as eachother

feel better yet?

They can't do anything about that do they pretend America is problem free but Europe has issues.

Atleast foreigners are killing natives in Europe, not your own people

wouldnt your own people be natives

You know what I mean, there are no stories about a white Frenchman going beserk at a movie theater or in a kindergarden


what about germany? they used to be good

Germany at least makes a tiny bit of sense that they'd be a little gunshy about talking about a religion.

Germany these days is so soft they are pushing for fining social media platforms that do not remove what they consider hate speech or anything "defaming" https://mobile.nytimes.com/2017/03/14/technology/germany-hate-speech-facebook-tech.html?referer=https://duckduckgo.com/

They were starved and raped into oblivion by the Russians and the Allies. Those that weren't came here to run the CIA and NASA.

I personally enjoy French's Toast Bread, so I give them a pass. Freedom Fries / Toast be damned.

A man of integrity


opster goes all in with the french fries

At least Britain has Brexit. The French made their biggest mistake in history their last election.

yeah, that's working out real well.

Lol yeah, they should have totally elected Mrs. Trump. Look how well he's working out for the US.

At least we aren't taking as much brown ISIS dick as our friends overseas.

The cuntry with a queen surely wins

Drama queen?

A queen just won the last French election.

Shitty tribalism like this is why the rich rule the world.

It's incidental that Muslims are doing this shit. Any group could do it. There are white terrorists in the USA, it's just easy to marshal a huge swathe of people against an out-group.

Until we can get around short-sighted tribalism, there will always be some group doing it. Recent history has been Muslims, looking forward to seeing what the next one is.

Hopefully you won't be around to see the sun rise tomorrow.

I hope your mother is raped by a roving pack of uncircumcised Muslims who haven't bathed since 2004.

uppity bitch

My point exactly its fags like you who have completely destroyed your country go have another peace and prayer concert you weak cuckold fag.

I can tell how manly you are. You even called me a cuck, good going.

Time to go suck the refugees cum out of your wifes pussy

The French are bigger pussies, but the Brits are so fucking bored. Horrible weather, bad food, no wonder they have all the paparazzi and make celebrities out of talentless boobs. They deserve soccer.

well Sweden tops the list, then Germany, but France and UK? That's a bit tricky. Brexit was certainly a middle finger, and France got really close with Le Pen.

I would say the first country that does a pogrom would be the least faggy. Its certainly building up to something like that, especially in France.

Just remember that most of our impressions and stereotypes of them are based on Parisians and Londoners

This would be like judging America based on the faggiest part of Brooklyn

In WWI & WWII England and France lost entire generations of men and huge swaths of their countries. On 9/11 the USA lost four buildings. They got over it, we still blubber every time we see a WTC paperweight. No contest.

Guys please can you keep the alt-right talk down to a minimum.

I'm trying to listen to imagine by John Lenon for the 8 thousandth time; thats what always helps me get through tragedies like this.

Make sure you poke a candle through a paper plate

They are both pussies, French are faggot pussies though



It's a tie. As of now they are 69ing so let's see who cums first and take it from there.

Whoevers replying to me at the time with that superiority complex those people tend to have

Lol alot of british fags trying to justify islam your country is finished enjoy watching a bunch of refugees coming into your house and gangbanging your daughters while you sit there and watch too afraid to do anything because you dont want to be called a racist lolFuckin pathetic

I've lived for four years in France. There were only Portuguese everywhere and I wanted to fucking kill my neighbors. So the "French".

The problem with England is really in the puns. They all sit around trying to think up word play to crack unfunny jokes, mostly about some boring politician.

At the same time the world is quickly moving forward, totally leaving the wisecracking Brits behind. I mean China and Saudi Arabia will be solar super powers, the EU is actually uniting against their hate of Trump (which could literally save the union, which England is now leaving), billions are pouring into Silicone Valley, which has produced several of the largest companies in the world in the past 10-15 years, and one million other examples of progress that I'm too lazy to dig up.

At the same time, the UK has not moved forward in a generation. Stop making boring jokes and just make a product to sell or something.