Where we at with Anal Cunt?

0  2017-06-04 by Chip_-_Chipperson


Try hards

I agree. Bunch of fags

i have no idea what this means

Its cuz you're a stupid pothead with no comprehension skillz

Just the greatest band of our generation (after GG Allin and the AIDs Brigade)

ANB is better

The lead singer is still dead.

Howard Wulkan is still bald.

I don't know. But the song "Connor Clapton Committed Suicide After Hearing His Dads Sir Music" (or whatever it's called) is probably the best song title ever.

When they do stayin alive....i mean...there just really is nothing better.

Howard Wulkan is bald.

My Dick's All Shitty?

I'm not too fond of their music, but they are good for the occasional name drop.