How many more times will you Europeans let yourselves get murdered before you stop worrying about being "meanies" to these shitskin savages?

14  2017-06-04 by Single_Action_Army


Seems like the answer is "a lot more".

haha 'a lot more' haha

I say old bean our bodies being smashed open by bombs and trucks is no reason to be rude.

I'm gonna old bean the shit out of your body

its their leaders have brainwashed them and the ones that dont want to put up with it have no power against their gestapo censorship

their "leaders" are a different subsect of brainwashed, just look at canada for an example of a leader who is obviously not all in on the plan.

and this is from a drumpf supporter

Hey.... it could still turn out to be japanese shino extremists

My dumb girlfriend nearly burst into tears after the Manchester bomb. She couldn't understand why they did it. I explained the hatred muslims had for our Western culture and that they were growing in numbers and will probably rape her and any kids she had. Then the news came on and told her it was a lone wolf and that muslims are a peaceful people and she stopped worrying.

Sounds like a dumb cunt. You should fuck her face and kill her.

Sounds like a plan but then who would I get to give me quarterly blow jobs and a reason to hate someone more than myself?

I'll step up. I suck cock pretty good and am super hateable.

Sounds like everyone on this sub except for me.

Sounds like you need practice

Hey everyone look at me I get to have sexual contact with a girl !!!!!11 aren't I cool XDXDXD

Sounds like the type of a girlfriend some fatso of this sub would have.

Even on the mainstream reddit thread there are people going on rants saying "fuck muslims get rid of them" with a thousand upvotes while the muslim defenders are being harshly criticized. I can feel the winds of change

It is amazing to think just over a hundred years ago European men heroically charged into No Man's Land in the Battles of the Somme and Verdun. Those two World Wars really did some damage to the European psyche and I believe we're still seeing the after effects of it to this day

I agree, when has the West ever done anything negative against Muslims?!

Without their intervention, Libya would be an ISIS infested shithole right now.

They'll stop worrying when Anthony quits drinking and having sex with underage trannies.

Uh, guys?

Couple years back we had a president with the middle name of Hussein.

Stop throwing rocks around the living room. Gam-Gam is gonna feel a draft.


I'll step up. I suck cock pretty good and am super hateable.