Remember when Jim told Nick Di Paolo...

36  2017-06-03 by Hyenapotion

That he was just going to have to give up using the word "fag" and accept it? Something about how it's no longer acceptable to use that word and people like him were just going to have to get over it. Well now hes on twatter defending bill mahrs right to say n-person (nigger). I'm starting a drunk right now and I don't want to ramble too much but all I'm trying to say is that Jim is an albino turtle looking hypocrite.


No, he's just a fag.

This is what happens when you let the faggot nigger run your country.

Jim's pullin a fez

Is Jim a standalone fruit?

This is why Jim isn't funny anymore (bar the chip podcast) he used to say whatever he wanted to and went on rants that were genuinely hateful and funny but they were very non pc. But now he's aware of the pc culture we live in and doesn't want to offend anyone in case he doesn't get a netlflix special. So he's fucked creatively and also looks like a hypocrite because of his past work when he shat on the political correctness.

The master himself Colin Quinn must look upon the worm with much shame.

The master Colin Quinn appeared on Girls. He can't say shit to anybody anymore.

He was also Amy Schumer's Dad in Trainwreck.

The evidence is piling up.

Is Colin hate a thing now?

It can be. All hate is just a matter of time.

Stop using the lords name in vain.


i am trying to make the fattington hate happen, i think its 50 50 at this point

I don't hate him. But once you work with Lena Dunham you can't be untouchable anymore.

Especially if you're​ Lena's little sister.

He went Hollywood without ever getting to Hollywood

This Norton fella only gets tough when shit doesn't matter anymore

You know what I haven't had in a while? BBQ potatoe chips (wussat?).

No because he said it to Sam.

Nick admitted on his show the other day that he's lost that battle and that pretty soon he won't say fag. Idk which show

Jim will always cuck himself in order to "progress" his career. Dude is 50, over half his life is gone and he hasnt improved his life personally or professionally.

i would be pretty happy with a cushy job, some sort of talent and millions sitting at the bank, with the atm called the retarded OnA fans. but i guess i would never be rich because of that mentality

"N-person" with nigger in parentheses. Which one is more insulting?

Norton is a useful idiot for (((those people)))

The difference is Nick calls people fags, and Maher was using the word in context.