Does anyone know if O&A discussed Chris Kyle's death? I'm sure they did I just can't find a video on it. I'm also retarded.

2  2017-06-03 by KiraYoshikagay



well at least we can agree on 1 thing

Right, that we can't find a video on it.


oh, you

Is your name a take on Kira yoshikage from JoJo?

No it's a reference to Kira Yoshikage from Seinfeld.

Fuck you think nigga?

Get out, I'm the only weeb allowed here. It's my thing. Also, manime like JoJo sucks and you're a fag. It's moe shit or no shit.


i like you

anime is dumb and gay

Nuh uh

They absolutely did talk about his death but I don't remember when and where. One of the more severe autistics here will gradually post a link when they're done insulting you.

ME: Chris and I used to text each other all night and make each other howl.

Do I look like your African American? I think ant was calling them morons that deserved what happened due to taking the PTSD nutjob to a gun range.

No,you look more like that house nigger Billy Maher.