Ron and Fez fans - a long shot question.

2  2017-06-03 by DollyZoom

Many years ago they played a song called 'Sis Boom Bah' by a friend of the show (I think) from the band 'Root Beer Barrels'. The CD (Soft Hard Rock) seems unavailable and my search for any download link has given me only error messages so far. ...Can anyone help?


Is /u/CCRed95 around?

I have no idea the content of the files really, im much of a not a r&f historian like i might be for o&a. But if someones able to provide a date or a date range i may be able to help narrow it down. May have better luck asking on /r/ronandfez

Call BL. I think she can help. Be sure to give her your cell and home numbers.

call into the show, or email [email protected]

Thanks! I'm still poring over Ron's blog for any mention of it as well. .

That's the CD for sale, Baby Sarah was the Ron and Fez fan that was the fan of the show, and she was part of the band. Maybe one of the other "Babies" knows how to get in touch with her.

Here's her old Myspace, I don't know how Myspace works anymore, so I can't tell if there's anyway to contact her through it - .

Thanks!, I'm an idiot, I admit I didn't bother to search Amazon after having no luck with specialty sites and Ebay.

Quite alright, if you're looking for shows the song/band was on, try to find the last week or two of July 2007. That seems to be when the most talk about the band happened.