Bill Maher Says the N-Word

0  2017-06-03 by [deleted]

It looks like Bill said the N word on his show last night, and many people on social media are upset by it, what are your opinions? Will he apologize and will they cancel his show??


seeing that deray tweet angered me. "he has got to go" yuck

I agree, he's a race baiting ass. As if this offended him so much.

He's a brand shilling piece of shit closet homosexual. If Maher sent him $100 in PayPal he'd endorse him.

I hadn't heard about this. Can you make a Youtube video explaining this whole kerfuffle? Thanks in advance!

I'm def making a video on this... fake outrage pissing me off.

I feel you should talk about this subject in depth on your youtube channel then post that video here for overwhelming support.

Sir I am. But I can no longer post on here, I will get perma banned.

The mods said you can do it one more time

He should get fat and rekindle Primetime Glick

The horror a self labeled politically incorrect comedian telling a politically incorrect joke.

jew leftist says nigga hahahahah

Helps that he's on HBO with no real sponsors to be up his ass. He seems to be one of the few people on the left with balls these days, so I doubt he'll apologize. Maybe a half-hearted O&A style one...

Yeah I like that he actually calls out Islam, not many people in the media want to do that.

What faggot watches that shit show?

What faggot watches that shit show?