Opie desperately craves those likes and retweets. Tagging on to news stories without adding anything

37  2017-06-03 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK


Opie is pretty comfortable with that word.

I'm starting to think Opie isn't as popular as I've been lead to believe here. Its almost as though he's socially retarded or something.

Said "house nigga" in a tweet and didn't get fired!


See what happens next! - brought to you by Viral Spiral

Oh come on. Saying the country's nuts is a very edgy and original position to take. Wait til those calls start stacking up on Monday with hundreds of his followers just itching to weigh in on his mercurial assertion. I don't think he could possibly be ready for all the heat he just brought on himself.

What happened next WILL SHOCK YOU !

People who use "discuss" and "thoughts" should be violently castrated.



Didn't he make fun of that TMZ guy for doing exactly this on Twitter?

Thats the bit!

If replace opie with brother joe works out the same

I like how he is so confident on his fresh take that he pinned the tweet. Just in case another amazing tweet tries to steal the thunder!

Everyone should e-mail HBO and tell them there's a guy online from Viral Spiral network who clipped and monetized their copyrighted material in a way that doesn't comply with fair use. Whether or not that's true it'll probably work

"Discuss..." 9 of his 12 responses will discuss Opie's gigantic tits & his awfulness.

Didn't he make fun of the Kardashians show (a show he watches) because they sit around on their phones all episode? At least they are creating content.

His twitter exploded after this tweet, his followers wanted in bad on this convo with a comedy expert

Where you at with the Bill Maher apology?