You guys do realize that Denny Falcone is the kind of faggot who would Jew you over for $20, right?

0  2017-06-03 by [deleted]




But he's great at hitting post, and that's what really matters for us.

You'll shut your fucking cock-cupboard if you know whats good for ya.

I would gladly give Dennis Falcone a $20 bill with no expectations of being payed back

Denny is the kind of guy who would stop at nothing to pay back that $20 with interest and then apologize for not paying you back fast enough.

found the Jew

If I gave Denny $20 and he didn't pay me back it would break down to about 20 cents for every time he brought a joyous light into my life. Well worth it.

Fuck that Never Been.

You shut your goddamn mouth. Dennis Falcone will fucking kill you.

Into the ovens with you, you queer.


Boo >:(

Yeah, it's charming. What's your point?