I miss this version of the show. I like Opie here. Ant is in fine form. None of them are anywhere near as funny now and it's depressing. I'm also drunk :(

3  2017-06-03 by KiraYoshikagay


I didn't mean to link it to that time, sorry. Just enjoy the whole thing.

Opie instantly doing the "I've never even heard of this show" cool guy routine

I just can't do it

opie's worst is during joctober/radio wars. this is un-listenable trash.

Does Sirius have some retarded clause in their contracts where they can't be mean anymore? I know Opie is just a sloth on life support, but Jim used to rip the shit out of EVERYONE and was funny doing it. Hell, even Sam was at times sinister and caustic. What went wrong?

It probably goes to what Soder said about this place complaining Bonfire was too nice "that's not what comedy is anymore." Meaning if you want to "make it" past being on LoS, your agent is going to tell you never say anything controversial unless it's about white straight cisgendered men.

The Bonfire is extremely tame compared to LoS. The future is privately owned podcast networks. Hell, even Sheik Antwaahn realised that.

I loved when they gave beatings to these small no name radio shows

And now Jim would be "both sides guy" about Terri Clifford. "She means well."