I'm starting to think Lena Dunham is unwell

34  2017-06-02 by hoohootellemkeith


She shoves rocks into her sisters vagina for fun.

This is patently false and a dangerous rumor to spread. They were PEBBLES not rocks. And she didn't shove them in there, she "stuffed" them in. Read the quote for yourself and learn something before spreading baseless rumors.

One day, as I sat in our driveway in Long Island playing with blocks and buckets, my curiosity got the best of me. Grace was sitting up, babbling and smiling, and I leaned down between her legs and carefully spread open her vagina. She didn’t resist and when I saw what was inside I shrieked. My mother came running. “Mama, Mama! Grace has something in there!” My mother didn’t bother asking why I had opened Grace’s vagina. This was within the spectrum of things I did. She just got on her knees and looked for herself. It quickly became apparent that Grace had stuffed six or seven pebbles in there. My mother removed them patiently while Grace cackled, thrilled that her prank had been a success.


Did she really do that?

She's a fucking nut job. That's not normal childhood behavior. What a fat lunatic...

I heard about this before but I thought it was a rumor someone else made up. Wow. What a despicable, crazy, fat cunt.

Women are stupid holes?

Yeah she admitted she made up a story about being raped by a White Republican guy too.

Photographic evidence


uncanny resemblance

This was within the spectrum of things I did.


"My mother didn’t bother asking why I had opened Grace’s vagina."

Of course she didnt, she knows what lil lena is all about...

Even if Trump destroys the planet and causes nuclear war, I will never regret him being president just because I know how much it bothers this crazy woman.

How great would it feel to push her down a spiral staircase in that thing.

Or a pool

no, just a staircase.

What about a staircase leading into the pool

perfect scenario.

the thuds of her Gerard Depardieu looking face as it hits each stair on the way down is the most gratifying part.

The trapped struggling death as she sinks to the bottom does it for me.

French treasure.

That sounds unsafe. Better have William Shatner on stand-by, just to be on the safe side.

It was an accident! An owl killed her.

I saved this on my phone just in case some black guys try to rob me at gunpoint.

statistically they will

The only good outcome here is if Jason steps in, grabs her, then smashes her against a tree.

Or hangs her above a camp fire to roast.

Little Monster seems so sad her pseudo mom didnt become President.

Little Critter, you mean? They really do have an uncanny resemblance.

Fuck, yes Little Critter. Identical. Especially with new shitty haircut.

Oh, please. It got a vagina full of rocks. That's more than most kids get.

Get well soon Lena! (>)>

Orange you glad you own a gun.

Home run cawk sucka!!!

tssssss tssssss... fawkin' bitch should be thrown down a well!

Uncooked sausage.

It's like a tampon for a giant vagina, I like it

I bet she's naked under there.

i've been doing this rad ass thing since season 2 of Girls where I don't think about Lena Dunham at all. Don't check her twitter, don't read articles talking about her, and except for right now, don't engage in discussions about her.

it's so badass man everyone should try it for a few years

Orange is the new hack

It's some stupid anti gun hashtag the moronic left is pushing. NRA, another despicable bunch, trolled them with a single tweet


Good choice. Now you can't see her curves. Only her 60 year old Lori Petty face.

The gun thing is just an excuse. She really wears this to make it harder to shovel food into her condescending holier than thou mouth. On the plus side, if she catches a stray, all you have to do is zip up the hood and you've got a great body bag.

god damn shes hot

Is she losing weight? What ever happened to her pride in being a fat slob?

Yes. Claims the stress from Trump made her lose weight.

Yeah not those images of here in spandex working out months ago. That womb is drying up. She's having to be honest with herself about the realities of human nature. Feminist ideals have to take a backseat.

Perhaps one day, a faggot of all faggot OPs will come along and actually save the tweet. So when they delete it, it might actually still be here...

Every day Lena Dunham wakes up is a bad day for her and this alone us worth the Trump presidency.

its amazing to me how (((those)))) people are so set on destroying civilization