Professor Joe speaks



You know I'd been worrying about extinction from climate change for a good couple months until Joe set the record straight. Thank god he chimed in

I hear that Imam Yussef receives infallible climate data from interpreting the blood splatter on the road after he pushes a homosexual from a rooftop.

That's a relief, I didn't realize he was doing hard research.

When prof joe speaks betta listen

Wait 'til all his kid spit vats boil over... then he'll wish he listened...

Joe's actually a phd nice try with the hate tho.

Pube headed darkie

I hope that 2 degree increase results in a category 5 hurricane forming in the Atlantic and wiping all greasy, dirtbag, Long Island, freeloading leeches off the map.


you are all replacable

Edit: oh my goodness thanks for the gold!

I'd like to thank Alpha Brain!

I know a podcast you might enjoy ;)

That 2 degrees dindu nuffin'

"Even if it were true" is true fucking idiot

Joe is the black equivalent of Neil deGrasse Tyson

Ant looks like a black version of Sammy Davis Jnr.

Jnr.? Really?


It's spelled "N-I-g-g-e-r"

The real space nigga

Why does he have a crying 10 year old girl as his profile picture? Whata sick fuck

Notice how dry her mouth is, its already been harvested.

We deserve to go extinct.

I constantly shift between being interested in watching shit fall apart and worrying about dying. I'll stop being a faggot now

Coming decades will be interesting at least

Start us off by killing yourself.

I rather stay extant, ya underdig

Brother Joe studied atmospheric science at the school of hard knocks.

atmospheric science

Guaranteed there would be at least two spelling errors if Joe tried to write that without help.


a 2 degree global increase can release quite a bit of dissolved gasses in the ocean, which would probably cause a chain reaction of increasing temperatures and even more gasses being released.

I'm just glad all of my friends who work in the coal industry will be getting their coal-related jobs back. nobody past 1987 with a high school degree and an IQ over 60 dies that shit?? And even if they did, their job will be obsolete by a machine in 2 years?? I'll be a motherfucker. Have they programmed machines to push brooms yet?


Dummy, coal is powering the industrial revolution and making England a super power.

Please for the love of god tell me that's not his real username.

Paris Agreement would lower temp by how many degrees?

Do you think the Paris agreement is about who is in charge of a thermostat?

i certainly don't want it to be the globalists, if that's what you're asking

It wouldn't fix anything. It's about buying time more than anything and reducing our greenhouse gas emissions.

It's three presidencies too late to prevent a 2 degree rise. Might as well spend our money on booze now.

I can't even... Atmospheric science is one of my main hobbies... I hope he gets a vat of AIDS ridden child spit

Can't you...

What a gay hobby.

You should read that as, "atmospheric science is something I read about before on Wikipedia." Nobodies hobby is atmospheric science.

Mine is, you dumb cunt.

Thanks. I read a news story once about a weatherman who got a cat stuck to his dick.

Well we are a strange breed. Personally, I leave the cat dicking up to the pros. I just send in reports of shitty weather I see, besides uploading data from weather stations

Sell out any attempt at protecting the plant for like 70000 coal jobs. Good trade

It's funny. This shouldn't be a republican or democrat issue. It's just common sense; something we should all agree on. Especially since renewables are creating more jobs than coal.

BREAKING NEWS: A struggling U2 cover band "musician" doesn't understand the concept of an average or the fragility of the Earth's ecosystem

Sit in your garage with the car running if you don't believe that carbon emissions have an effect you dumb child-foot sniffing cunt

Joe gets all his scientific information and data from a very reputable source; a felon who dropped out of high school that made his living yelling about blacks and making dick jokes.

I'm so glad he unlocked his Twitter so we can see all the shit he tweets on a daily basis. Dumb fucking bastard

Climate change is fucking boring.

If anyone is interested in DA WEATHA changes that would come from 2 degrees.

tl;dr. Sam Crow's Cock Holster is still as dumb as ever.

I'll bet Joe could be convinced to be a flat earther really easily.

Who is he even talking to? Is this 60+ year old spaghetti bending leech in a bar band changing any minds?if your life is such shit and find anything he says inspiring? That would be lifes little nudge to fucking kill yourself its ok.

2 degrees can be the difference between and liquid and a gas....

I'm not even going to pretend to know about global weather enough to know whats causing the warming and whats not and what the consequences of it are but fuck me these dummys just going along with what big corporations say because 'their' side of political life sides with them are fucking retarded.

Oh, Thank God. My minds at ease. What an uneducated douche.

Fucking toodly dooing horse's ass probably thinks it's in Fahrenheit.

I thought these global warming deniers were just denying that humans were the cause for it, not that it was happening at all.

Are the thermometers mounting a false flag operation?

It's so infuriating that people like him and his dumbfuck brother get to crow about this shit as if it's some victory. Someone already said it here, but I hope Long Island is the first place wiped off the map. Anyway, let's say hi to Chuck from South Carolina, he has an opinion on this.

It's a daily struggle not to be reply to him what a stupid douchebag he is. Must not get banned..

he said worry warts

He's so stupid. Actually, a matter of 2 degrees in a macro level has a large impact on oceans and their ecosystems. Joe is a big Long Island dummy who unfortunately thinks of himself as smart.

Phew, what a.....LOAD off my "mind." The 65-year......old biker cosplay enthusiast "put" these cucktards in These "liberals" can go suck some child spit.......for all I CARE!

Do you think the Paris agreement is about who is in charge of a thermostat?

It wouldn't fix anything. It's about buying time more than anything and reducing our greenhouse gas emissions.