Can we all agree that Bill Burr's Netflix cartoon was garbage?

8  2017-06-02 by FunkyTreasure


Don't be racist

is season 2 out or something

Come out Tuesday

I hear the first episode deals with his character fathering a child - only the child looks nothing like him.

The first season was impressively mediocre

Nice try faggot but I know a "Where we at with the" post when I see one

It's the funniest least funniest King of the Hill available streaming on Netflix right now.

I've never watched it, but as much as I enjoy South Park, I don't think I can bring myself to watch any of those horseshit cartoons made for adults.

Bojack Horseman surprised me, but yeah, I generally agree.

Archer is well worth watching as well.

Adult cartoons have become a major pet peeve of mine. Anytime someone tries to put one on, they just start dying laughing and I'm not getting it because we're sitting in front of what amounts to Nickelodeon Jr. The jokes aren't even edgy, it's faggy "Welp, thanks for the invite!" sarcastic dog shit.

Futurama fucking sucks.

Take my Upvote, for it is all I have.

I kinda liked it

Same here. There just aren't many comedies that are even watchable. 90% of anything worth watching is drama. So watchable becomes "kinda like" if it's comedic.

im also a fan of the era so the 70s stuff is cool. Also the scene with the dads swaying ballsack was funny

maybe more like U is for Unfunny or sumphthin tss

F is for Failure

F is for Fuck me, this N person baby isn't even mine, I sold my drumset for this?

I like it. It's not great, but it's better than Master of None

So is video footage of your grandmother being fisted.

Doesn't that just go without saying, mr redundant?

Dirty old bitch doesn't even need lube even though it's drier than the Sahara down there.

I'd have to see it several times to be sure.

More like Master of Poo in Loo.

I don't watch netflix cartoons, but yeah I gave it a shot. It was really awkward because I was watching with someone who forced me to check it out because they loved it. I could barely pretend to smile at the garbage "I'm just an old school daaaad, man" references and "familial" humor. It was fucking terrible.

Maybe if I had kids and was raised in the 70's I would have found it funny, but that's a fucking terrible perquisite because people like that just like to groan on and on about hacky parental thoughts.

Maybe if I had kids and was raised in the 70's I would have found it funny


Not at all.

I love it, his anger animated is perfect.

"can we all agree" is fag speak. You only see it on websites written by women and emasculated men. Gay guys don't even write that queerly. Next time, just state your opinion like a man.

I hated it, and everyone I know loved it and said I was crazy.

I was really excited for it, I was (still generally am but less so these days) a big fan of his and wanted to like it.

I couldn't even get through one episode. There was scarcely anything "Bill" about it. It was like Family Guy, but with swearing.

It was absolutely nothing like Family Guy.

i liked it. i still like Bill. peckas

IS garbage. It got renewed.

It's Bob's Burgers with swearing.

No we can't. I like it.

Yeah it's just kinda whatever. His voice and all is lost amongst the written-by-committee approach of TV shows. Too many writers just doesn't coalesce into anything all that original or distinctive. Occasionally a funny Bill Burr-ism or something will emerge, and then it's right back to played out Simpsons-derivative shit.

I read some review that pointed out how uneven a marriage of down to earth realism and attempts at absurdity the show attempts, too. Like sometimes it seems like it almost wants to be 'Family Guy' but never quite goes there. Just leaves you not knowing what to think.

All the edgy shit head wanted to make south park because animation gets a pass maaaan but all they ever did with it is having the cartoon licking puke off someone's arm or some gay shit like that

much like bill.burr, it's watchable but not exactly funny

I really like it. Maybe it's because I related to a lot of it, but the stuff where his dad would start yelling had me dying laughing. The cartoon gets shit on a lot here, as does his standup, but I don't think the criticism of Bill is deserved to the level he gets it. Some of you just don't like that he became "LA guy" and makes compromises with his wife, and you're confusing that with the stuff he's making. I mean, how hardcore do you need him to be? Not everyone can live like Doug Stanhope.

I don't enjoy animated shows any more. Everything I've seen pales in comparison to this masterpiece.

It's not particularly funny, but a hell of a lot better than the "progressive" bullshit they've pandered(and thankfully canceled) the past 6 months.

The finale was pretty good though.

At least he didn't charge his fans 60k to make it

It was alright for the first few episodes but it was shitty from there.

The entire scene with Billy being traumatized by seeing a dozen old men dicks in the arena men's room was pretty top-notch.

Bill Burr sucks.