That didnt take long



I have very high hopes for @bobatton. Ultimately, I know I will be let down, but I can hope.

I'm getting wistful for Baldopie

What didn't take long? You making a Bobo/Patton twitter account or the 5 seconds between him posting and you making a screenshot.

Funs over he blocked me

He's on a cumia style block rampage He's blocked 3 of my accounts in the last 2 hours.. it's become a little game

What do you do on your off time?


You're ridiculously lame if that's how you spend your time, makes you look like way more of a loser than Bobo

That's pretty sad on your part


I'll fuck his mother and his sister for $500. For an extra $25 and a large pizza, I'll cum on Bobo's face. That's my offer.

wait. You pay 500$ to fuck his mother and sister and then u pay another 25$ + a large pizza to cum on bobos face is that correct?

Yeah, those numbers should be the other way around.

Oh, you did. Niggas gotta eat.

Those numbers should be the other way around.

He blocked me few years ago on April fools day when he claimed his "Dog ran away". I sent tweets one after other how i found him and the ways i was fucking him.Told him what great job training he did the dog rolled over and let me fuck him.Bobo used not be so fast to block right away.

What an ungrateful prick. Not only did you find his dog but you gave him a nice fucking.

He was a prick about it. i`ll never help a fucking retard again

being on twitter at all is fucking disgusting and shameful even if its trolling

And blocked by tranpa

He really is an old, oversensitive ghoul.

I'd be more inclined to buy him Mets tickets than pay his dumb family's rent.

I think it's his sister that's been doing all these e begging, I think she got like 1k for her vocation

And blocked by the opester

Whats the gestalt, a quick rundown of the situation plz? Why are they getting evicted?

I'd fuck his sister for free and let her live in my basement.

He's on a cumia style block rampage He's blocked 3 of my accounts in the last 2 hours.. it's become a little game