Feel Good Story of the Day: Brooklyn Man Beaten With Own Hula Hoop

26  2017-06-01 by crookedmile


I hope Brooklyn sinks.

Don't say that! Ant's pal, Fred lives there!

Missing from the story: they took his unicycle and stole his diving fin shoes.


Ding ding ding

Why couldnt it be fred 😒

Whoever beat him is the realest ass dude of all time.

Both of those reporters have nipples and fat tits that I want to suck and bite.

no harm or legal ramifications should befall the aggressor. He is but a man who hates hula hoops.

"Fellow dancers" ? That's a new one. Too bad the news couldn't give out any description of the Jew hating jungle bunnies. This hipster qweeb is lucky he didn't get stabbed challenging anyone to a dance off.

News at 11!

Does hula hooping lead to violence? Stay tuned, Pat Battle with a special report.

"Hi, yes Pat. We are looking at this dangerous scene in which fellow broadcast(rumble oh good lord more ruble)........broadcasts (deep cumin laugh)

This would be a good time for anyone far more useful than me to post Ant's I hate hipsters rant.

It's amazing we are living in a time where we can't say what EVERY sane person is thinking. They weren't "fellow dancers", they were black men beating a white guy.

Challenging 3 black guys to a dance off. Talk about punching above your weight.

How does this not happen more often? The only two groups of people there are hipster fairies and hardcore homies. If I was a Brooklyn black I would beat up many a queer

I don't hula hoop,I'm not twelve.

I hope these youts of indeterminate background are brought to justice.

I wish this happened to all street-performers all the time.

Brad Wittless

I'm sure they will find those other two black gentleman.